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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Linen Rack

The decision was made to put the stain on the new linen rack. So it is a tad darker than it was before. Of course I had Steve put the hangers on the back and hang my shelf. I uh wanted it to be even on the wall and not on a down hill slope. LOL I really like how it turned out. Be aware the wall is not done yet, but I wanted to share where I put it.

Yeah yeah I don't like the wire either from the lantern, but I'm not going to direct wire it here at the rental. Anyway, I have not showed you my linen stash that I have. Holy moley!!!! This is only a few of the many that I have. Most of them are doilies that are too country, but they were all handmade by my family so I keep them. I picked out a few that I LOVE and OK forgot I had. LOL. The crochet table cloth (I think) hanging in the back I bought many years ago really cheap. I thought I had gotten rid of it, but I found it in the back of my closet. Imagine that I actually found something in MY closet. Girls you have no idea how much stuff I have shoved in my bathroom closet.

I took some other pictures of the rest of the linens but they didn't turn out. It is late and I don't want to go flipping on lights in the hall to take pictures and wake up my kids. (Yes I'm typing this Wednesday night and it will post today Thursday while I'm at work.) I will retake pictures in the daytime and re post them.

Next, on the agenda is to get my bowls hung. I am having the hardest time deciding on where I want them. Living room or kitchen???? hmmmm...

I had a question posed to me last week while I was in one of my favorite shops that has got me thinking. I was talking to a fabulous lady, who LOVES prim as much as me, and she has been following my blog. She says she's addicted to reading all of our blogs. LOL. Anyway, you know who you are ;-) She asked me if I would have a crafting day at my house every month or so. She asked if I would be willing to teach simple projects. You know painting techniques, stitching, or whatever. Just a way for ladies to get together and have fun, craft, eat, and socialize. Almost like the scrapbook ladies and stamping up ladies do. I think this is a fabulous idea. Even if only a few of us get together on a Saturday and craft it would be so much fun. Right now I'm aiming towards the end of March as I have a lot going on in February. If any of you girls who live near Wayne County would like to join us drop me a line. The more the merrier. LOL. Obviously I'll post more later about the projects we will be doing.

Oh and a clarification on my last post. The pitcher is not peeling it is just the way it is worn that makes it look like it was peeling at one point. It is just the patina. I looked on the bottom and it is real pewter according to the stamp.

I am trying to catch up on blog reading, but when I'm at work all I have is my phone and for some reason I can't leave comments on some of your blogs. Rest assured though I am reading. There have been some awesome tutorials lately that I've seen thank you for posting them ladies.


  1. Love the linen rack and the linens!!!
    I wish I lived closer to you...I'd LOVE to get together to do some prim crafting. Most people I know think I am crazy when it comes to my obsession with prims. Good luck in March and have FUN!x

  2. Hi Mary,

    I love the linen rack and making it darker only made me like it more!

    I sure do wish I lived closer I'd be there every Sat. so nice of you to do that, I have no one near me except The Country Store that loves prims like I do that I no at least:)

    Have a great day!

  3. Love, love, love your linen rack & all of your linens! I remember my grandma had some similar oh man do I wish I had some of those!!!
    I sure do wish I lived close to you because a crafting day sounds like an awesome idea!

  4. I'm developing a love for those old linens and that look. Even though I don't have a lot of old ones, I find myself doing not so old ones and giving them some instant history with a little coffee or tea dying.
    Have a great day.

  5. Love how your linen rack turned out. Also love that table cloth!! Wish I lived near you~I would have loved to create with you.


  6. I really like how the linen rack turned out! It's so nice to display those things that mean something to us and bring us joy!! I have tons of stuff in my bathroom closet too. I really need to get organized and display some of it!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Your rack looks great and I love your collection of linens I have a friend who collects old linens I have just a very few but now that I see what you have done with yours I think I will have to start collecting a few myself oh no that is all I need is more things to collect oh well it is fun.What a great idea on getting together for some sharing of craft skills wish I lived close by I would for sure be there.

  8. That is an awesome piece Mary!

    I will think about your group.

    Pamela in

  9. Love it!
    Just let me know when your craft day is....I wanna come! :)

  10. Craft day is great! Three friends and I get together once a month. We rotate houses and either the hostess provides lunch (which is always the case) or we can brown bag it. We either have a tutorial class or everyone brings a project that they're working on. We have a blast and look forward to it each month.

    Have fun!


  11. hi Mary...HOLY CROW girl that linen rack turned out great and you decorated it do cute. I hope it doesn't get knocked off the wall! LOL! who would have a few pieces of scrap wood could ever turn out so lovely....Good job! I guess it true waste not want not.

  12. It looks great! And what a fun idea to get together with other prims to craft and enjoy each other's company. I wish I lived close enough to join you!

  13. Love the rack & the linens . Precious stuff when it is family stuff. If I lived closer I would join you in the crafting.


  14. Nice job, I love it, and the lamp (I know what you mean about those cords!!!). Don't we all have a tons of linens? Doesn't it come with collecting? LOL

  15. Very sweet linens on a creative linen cool. I also love linens...some have been family heirloom linens and some purchased at estate sales, I have some of mine hanging on an antiue drying rack that folds out from the wall, I will snap a picture and blog it for you soon. Thank you for always sharing your creative ideas! I saw an old wooden box with lettering on the side just sitting in a driveway today, and thought "oh what would Mary do with that" are an influance with out even realizing it LOL!! Have a great weekend!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I loved this post. I LOVE linens, they are beautiful.I LOVE,LOVE the rack and the tin light next to it, just warm and cozy looking. The rack came out GREAT!!!!!!!

    Blessings friend,
    Hillcrest Home Prims

  18. Oh Mary, I LOVE how that linen rack came out! What a lovely way to show off family heirlooms!! I have been looking for a ladder to display mine, I never thought about making do with a hanging rack. Thanks for the wonderful idea! Now if I just had a Steve to make me one. Lol!

    I host a craft day in my home. Everyone brings stuff for lunch/snacks/dessert. Like Lucy said, sometimes we all work on the same project or sometimes everyone just brings their own project. It's a wonderful way to spend time fellowshipping with friends! I hope you get it going, you won't regret it!

  19. Pretty interesting site you've got here. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

    Best wishes
    Darek Wish


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