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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

And the Bowls Were Hung with Care...

LOL... ok I know how long has it been since I said I would be hanging my bowls??? Well, I asked Steve if he would kindly hang them and well, I ended up doing it with him supervising from the couch jockey position. What was I thinking the 24 hour Nascar racing something rather was on. LOL. Anyway, for now this is where I picked. This is my TV wall in the living room. Do you like the guitars??? My son got Guitar Hero World Tour for Wii for Christmas and this is where HE stores the guitars. Alright you caught me I am secretly a punk rock star in my spare time. LOL. I haven't even tried the game yet. Ignore the HUGE holes in the walls as I need to fill those in and repaint. I'm just waiting til Spring til I can open the doors and windows when I do paint. Oh yeah I found a different bowl I forgot I had to hang on top. instead of the green one. I like it much better.

Like my blue lunchbox? LOL. I was quickly taking pictures this morning before work. I will be redecorating below the bowls this is just what I happened to have here.

Now of course I have to show you what I worked on all day Saturday. It is not done as I need to add a closure to the top. But I just LOVE this little bag. It is big enough to take magazines or a lunch or whatever on the go. It has denim, blue cotton, and a yellow stripe and lined with muslin. It is much cuter in person.

Of course I did some tweaking so that I could hang my bowls. I moved my boxes from where the bowls are now to here...

Other than that Steve helped me clean my house and get groceries on Sunday. Of course while standing in the line, at the store, I spotted the Country Sampler I didn't receive because I procrastinated in renewing my subscription. Steve asked if I wanted it. Well, that's a silly question!!!! Of course I do. I was trying to read it in the car, but I get car sick when I read so that didn't go well at all. LOL. I ended up waiting til I got home and of course only looked at the pictures first. Then I went back and read it. Anyway, I am so glad they featured a 900 sq ft apartment in it. For those of us who have smaller places can get ideas from others who share the same struggles. Not that I didn't drool over the larger ones... because I did. LOL. I just wish they would show a few more smaller apartments.

I need to get moving and read your blogs as I don't have to be to work until 11am today. I have been having some issues at work with my partner and finally human resources listened and moved me to another truck. I am so grateful and relieved. And so is Steve. LOL. He has had to listen to me complain for weeks now about my partner. This now gives me time to blog and read. Yiipppeee!!!!!

Oh and in case you didn't notice I added some new winter pics to my picture trail. Just click on the picture on the side bar and it will take you there. I am slowly adding more as I get them taken.


  1. That Steve is a gem :)
    I love the finish on the bowls and how you hung them on the wall and your place always looks so great.
    Have a great day

  2. Your bowls look great! You found the right combination to make it look just right. Like your tweaking. You have quite a few boxes!

  3. The bowls look wonderful Mary and they really do look old!

    Love the crock bench and boxes too, that was my favorite house too in CS loved her style:)

    Have a great day...I work today too:)

  4. Oh gosh! I LOVE that crock bench with all the colorful boxes around it. Your bowls look great too!

    Have a nice day!

  5. Your bowls look great-I love how you have finished them-I also love your crock bench:)
    Have a good week, Shazy x

  6. Love your bowls...they look great! Your crock collection & stacking boxes look sure do have some nice prims!!!
    Well I'm off here...getting ready to go to lunch!

  7. Love it as always!
    We "read" Country Sampler the same way...LOL!
    I am glad to hear your work issues will be straightened out. That will make the days go by so much easier! :)
    Take care-

  8. Love your bowls and where you put your boxes. What an awesome collection you have!
    Glad to hear that you got what you wanted at work. I hope everything works out.
    I have yet to read my CS and I have had it for weeks now. I scanned it quickly the day I got it, but that's about it. Maybe I'll have time this afternoon?
    Have a great week!

  9. yea!!! its good to see you post!! :)

    the bowls look great!! but heck, your place always looks great!!!

    glad to hear you got a new partner at work. getting along with who you work with makes the day go a whole lot faster.

    um nascar???? the season starts real soon!!! get steve busy on the projects now, otherwise he will be on the couch for the race. lol

    i bought the new CS today. i havent even looked at it. i wanted to catch up on blogging first.
    which, i am glad i did cause you posted. :)


  10. Your bowls look great. I am really liking your boxes that you have , especially that great big brown one! Saw the new CS although I do not have it yet. I have peaked inside. Good things. Glad you got things worked out at work. That can really make you dread going, with a bad partner. Liek the purse too. very cute.

  11. Ahhhhhh yes a good work situation always helps the days go better...I am glad that has been corrected for you! Love the bowls, the arrangement looks great, makes me want to hit the Goodwill store soon again :>)!! You asked about previously about the box on the curb, nope I didn't get to it fast enough! I pondered what to do with the junk she had piled into it and missed my chance! Have a great week!

  12. I LOVE the bowls hanging on the wall!! I have an area on my wall in my dining room that I don't know what to do with. Now I know! I just don't know if I can handle drilling holes in my bowls. I have to get over that because this display looks great!

    Yes, I know what you mean about those silly Guitar Hero guitars. They don't fit in the cabinet like the rest of the hardware, so ours are kinda hid on the side of the entertainment center.

    The colors of your bag go well together, I love that look!

    And your crocks and box display is prim perfect! Don't you just love stacking boxes??

    I read my CS the exact same way! Lol! I tear through the pages looking at all the pictures, then I slowly go back and read it ALL!

    Loved reading your post today and seeing what all you are doing. Thanks for the inspiration!


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