I have a few more I'd like to do, but I need more thread...

Then after I watched a little more TV I decided I better not take a nap and get to a project I wanted to try. Now I don't know about you, but when I look at some of the other blogs out there at their projects they look absolutely perfect. Well, I'm here to tell you I don't always get perfect and I'm am OK to show you when it doesn't turn out. LOL. I fail, figure out what I did wrong, and redo. Then tell you what not to do.
Here we have some molds (I just love this cute rabbit one I picked up really cheap), an old candle (yummy blueberry) that didn't burn right, and a little coffee ground, cinnamon, clove mixture. Now I think I read somewhere where you spray the molds with some something like PAM. So that is what I did then sprinkled my mixture onto the grease. I am guessing it makes the wax come out better.

Next I melted some of the wax down using and old coffee can and a double broiler method...

Now, I should've tried one instead of all three at once just to be sure it would turn out. You know me Miss Impatient. I did put the prim mixture in the two that are the same. The other one I didn't. This is where I believe I made my mistake next. I put them in the freezer to set quicker. MMMMMMM... I probably won't do that again. They did come out of the molds easier, but it also added moisture to it with the grease. The tops where the grease and prim mixture took longer to dry and didn't come out perfect.

As you can see the bunny has a shiny butt. LOL. If you look closely the tart to the backs top looks terrible. It is flat and of course the wax didn't get down clear to the bottom. Either my grease was too thick or my mixture was to thick or both. I'm not really sure. Maybe I won't use instant coffee grounds either.

LOL hidden so you can't see. This morning they are dry but still look terrible. LOL.

So lessons learned. I still have a bit more wax so I will probably try again this weekend.