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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Really???? Again???? S*N*O*W and Rearranging

Uggghhh.... well we already received about a foot of snow over the weekend. Now as of today we are suppose to get another 6-10in today through tomorrow. I didn't take any pictures, but wished I would have yesterday. The trees all had a beautiful snow ice mixture on them that made them shimmer like diamonds in the sun. Saturday was the worst day of snow as I was suppose to be at work at 6am, but rolled in at 7am. I tried leaving at 5:15 to get there by 6. Steve stayed overnight since the roads were getting terrible already Friday night. He offered to take me to work... OK I gently persuaded him to take me... OK I TOLD him he would be taking me. Steve has a full size pick-up truck and by 5:16 we were stuck in my driveway. The snow came up to the bumper of the truck. My driveway has a big hill that hadn't been touched overnight and it blowed on top of. There was no getting out so at 5:17 I was on the phone eating crow. YES I was on the phone with my ex husband asking him to please come plow me out. Long story short he came plowed and got stuck a few times trying to push all the snow. The highway I travel was snow covered and we took my 4 wheel drive Blazer to work. We couldn't go over 25 mph. Needless to say out of the 8 people I work with on Saturday 2 of them called off. I am waiting to get yelled at for being late. Oh well... Then our ambulance got stuck going to a call... It was a very long day at work. And of course now we are expecting more...

The arrow shows where the edge was shoveled of my sidewalk on Sunday...

I did finish some things up and rearrange a little on Sunday while I was by myself. Not sure if you remember this little bucket I bought at the Goodwill awhile back. If you'll remember it had some rope tied like bands around it too. I took those off sanded it down and of course repainted.


I also found this little one at the Goodwill. I forgot to take a before picture but it was white. Now...

And together with my new greenery that I found at Pat Catan's for $2.00 on sale. LOL

So now of course I have to show you how I rearranged right? I can't stand the wall with my stairway. As you can see it has a HUGE doorbell thingy on it and the thermostat.

If I can hide just one of the eyesores... OK I already had all this in my stash, but now I don't like the plates there...

So take away the plates put up a sampler... better...

I'm sure you all saw before I moved the settle over here and this is the new look. I still need something above the rack like a sign... Now sure what I want it to say as of yet but that's what I'm leaning towards.

So now the TV wall was bare. I had to redo that too. I moved my rocker back down under my bowls. And moved the black step back on the other side. Not thrilled with it but it'll do for a bit... I am still waiting on my TV stand Steve is making to hide the octopus of plugs. LOL

Well I better get going need to go to the store and get some essentials. For some reason my crazy kids seem to think they need milk. LOL. Hopefully if it gets bad school will let out early. Many of the schools were already cancelled before the storm even started.


  1. We are getting more too, the girls haven't been back to school since last Thursday when they got out 2 hours early that day! thanks goodness we both have power and cable:)

    I love your black hutch and also the settle...great job on them!


  2. I think your door bell camoflage looks perfect! I love the settle there, and especially like the pillow on it. Is it wool?
    Stay warm!

  3. Well Mary, all I can say is hang in there the best you can! I've been keeping track of all the weather everyone is getting east of us and I can thankfully say glad we aren't getting all that here. Mostly because of the open areas we have such high winds at times that the roads are closed when we do get the much snow. Could use it in the mountains though.
    Enjoyed your pictures of tweaking and all.
    Stay warm and safe.

  4. Kids, seems they always need something - like food or drinks or clothes. Geepers huh?? LOL

    I am tweaking a zillion spots right now. One thing leads to another, doesn't it?

    And girl, YOU can paint no matter what the ex made you think. You are one of the most talented gals I know - YOu can paint!!

  5. lots of snow!!Funny how when we are kids we think its great and as we get older it doesnt seem so fun! Love what you did with the bucket and all the rearranging.

  6. love the buckets and the displays!! you always make it look great!!
    i am saving up for a 42 in. tv and am searching around for ideas on making a tv stand big enough to hold it. lol
    i dont really want a tall one though. the tv i have now is about 18 inches off the floor-perfect when u are sitting down. :).
    i am anxious to see you and steve's ideas for a TV stand.

    how about a shelf or a flat wall cupboard to cover up BOTH of the things on the wall?


    p.s. whats your link on facebook? mary? gettysburg?

  7. Mary visitin' your blog always inspires me to GET OFF MY TUSH lol and do some tweaking myself....Well maybe tomorrow night I will lol. Seriously though love thos buckets. Fantastic job on 'em. Girl you rock at makeovers.
    And tweaking. Hope the snow holds off some in your area. Looks like ya'll have had your fair share and then some ! Hope your weeks off to a good start outside of snowwww =0(
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  8. I love your bucket makeovers. The stencil design on the one looks great!

    I really like how your room is put together. Great job on hiding the doorbell chime and the sampler looks wonderful next to it.

    I see you have pictures of your kids on your staircase wall. I've lived in my house 3.5 years and that wall is STILL empty because I don't know what to do with it! I like your idea, I might just run with it. Thanks for the inspiration, girl!

  9. Mary, I am always inspired to try something new (re-designed) after seeing what you have been doing! In the past I have been afraid of painting over, and now I find that I want to put the paint to everything :>) out to my cat!

  10. Alright...send it up here to me!!!
    They keep saying were supposed to get it but it stays South of me!!!
    Ive been waiting ALL winter for a good storm and nothing:(

    LOVE the way your bucket turned out, you have that knack for making things look awesome!!!

  11. Did you think of hanging a basket without a handle over your thermostat? I have one over mine and it does not hamper the thermostat in any way!

  12. Mary, your rearranging looks great. Great idea to use your blanket crane to hide the doorbell thingy. Too abd the thermostat wasn't placed rigth below it, huh?
    I love your make-overs. They look great with the greenery too!
    Hope you have a great weekend!


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