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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Swap that Almost Wasn't

Yikes!!!! It's been a week since I posted last. Not much exciting happening around here. Snow Snow and more snow expected today through tomorrow. I am so ready for Spring.

Anyway I participated in Char's You're So Trashy Swap. In this swap we had to take three trash i.e. Goodwill things and remake them into something else. I was so excited and worried since I would be Char's partner. If you don't know Char make sure you follow the link above. She comes up with some of the best ideas. The things she makes and the redo's she has done are fabulous. I'm like how can I compete with her. LOL. I am still working on hers because I have started many things and thought No I want to make something else. So, Char I'm working on it. LOL.

Steve and I were out and about Saturday when we came home I saw the mail truck drive behind my house. That's funny I thought. They never go to the back of the house since my mailbox is at the street. They just drive up and drop off my mail. Char had sent me an email to tell me her package was on it's way, so I was expecting it anytime. Usually they leave it on the front porch. So Steve pulled in the drive and we waited for the mail truck to pull around. I had put a bill in the mailbox on Friday and it was not picked up. I didn't think it was a post office holiday. I shrugged it off figuring she would pick it up Saturday. NOOOOOOO... So I met her in the driveway with the bill, which will now be late. She said "I left you a note on your back door from the Postmaster that I will NOT deliver your mail until you remove the snow from in front of your mailbox." I said even though it's ice from the plow and I can not shovel it you won't deliver my mail. She said "Nope I am not going to get stuck again like I have other places. Oh and I left today's mail out back for you, but won't do it again." Grrrrr... first of all she left it on my air conditioning unit which is not sheltered and is open to the wind. Second of all my neighbor in the unit next to me didn't get one. So Steve went out and tried to dig a little out to make her happy.

The good news is I got my swap from Char.

Woohoo!!!! I can't wait to see what she came up with. Ignore the mess I haven't been home much to clean.

First things first was a wonderful note explaining a little about each item. And yes Char I did really enjoy this swap even though I need to finish yours. LOL.

First of all was the beautiful Black Eyed Susan stitchery made with a bed sheet and wool from the Goodwill. Yes it already has a home...

Little does she know I was perusing the internet on something to make out of a jar for her and up pops her directions on how to make and Americana jar candle. LOL well I certainly could not make her something she already knew how to do. So to my surprise she sent me this... I absolutely LOVE it and now I will have to look up the directions on how to make it myself. If you can't tell it is an oil burning light. She took some prim sludge (this is a good thing not bad lol) put it on the jar and then placed an old looking label on and sealed it. I can't wait to buy some oil and try it out.

And lastly she bought some old books and recovered them with homespun. I have thought about trying this but never got to it. I absolutely think these are awesome. Yep these have a home already too.

This was an awesome swap. I have just started participating in them at Christmas. I like this one because I didn't have to spend a lot of money, but yet it looks like you did. Thanks again Char.

I have nothing to show you that I've done since the things I'm doing are for Char. I will try hard to get hers out this week and then she will show you. LOL.


  1. Mary, Sorry to here about your problems with the mail lady she sounds lovely...LOL! Your swap items you received from Char were so cute...My favorite was the Black-Eyed Susan.(I'm ready for spring!) I want to get into a swap they sound fun! Thanks for sharing your pics from it...I always enjoy a little eye candy! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

  2. Oh my on the mail lady...they do like those mailboxes all shoveled out and open...but perhaps it could have been said a bit nicer ;>)...bad mail day maybe, like "bad hair day" LOL!!! No excuse for the mail out in the open where it could blow away and be lost until spring! I love the swap items you are showing today...lucky you and lucky person that is exchanging with you!! I know any items you exchange will be wonderful! Have a great day!

  3. Hey girlie...glad you enjoyed the goodies!...had fun making them...and those mail carriers can be a little "testy" when it comes to the snow removal around the mail boxes...but, if it was our job to get the mail out...we probably would be complaining to!...LOL...I just hate how the snow plows throw all the ice ontop them then with large snowplows and expect us to come out and shovel it off with small shovels?!!!...well, if it is anything there like here in PA...batten-down-the-hatches, cuz here comes MORE snow!...what something different for a change!!!...grrrrrrrr

  4. I think I would contact the post office. What she is doing is not right. We had a postman just dump mail on the side of the road here and he is in serious trouble as messing with the mail is a federal offense. I would think just setting it on top of something, not your mailbox would be similar.

    Char does have the best re-do's! You got some nice things there. I love the mason jar lamp.


  5. Oh I think I would've given that mail lady a piece of my mind! That was really rude of her to do that!
    I love Char's swap gifts! She does such awesome work! I have used a few of her tutorials & I love them! Have a great day!

  6. Love your Char's swap gifts. She always make awesome items.

  7. That would be a fun swap... taking goodwill finds and turning them into treasure. I would like the kind that don't take very much $$. Your treasures are wonderful! Char did a fantastic job, I would love to have her as a partner!

    I hope you get the mail situation taken care of soon. Sounds like a mess to me.

    Have a good week, stay warm~

  8. Mary, You are one lucky girl! You got lots of nice goodies.

  9. Wooooot Wooooot Mary......Loveeeee all your swap goodies !!!! Your one lucky gal to get Char. She does such fantastic work and love her tutorials and stuff. Sounds like you have a lovely mail lady ! Make sure you give her coal for Christmas lol. I hope she doesn't do that to all her seniors on her mail route !!!!!! Have a fantastic Friday =)
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  10. Snow and ice...? Sorry, can't relate this year! We're knee deep in spring as pics of the Olympics will prove!

    Fantastic swap! I was on the receicing end of a swap with Char last year and it was sooo worth it!

    Stay warm! Kimberly


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