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Monday, March 29, 2010

A Few More Spring Pics...

First, let me say Thank You to those who have emailed me and inquired recently about some of my items that you see on my blog. I appreciate each and everyone of you. I truly do enjoy creating prim things and to know that others appreciate them too is a bonus. When I create for others I only make things I would have in my home. I use my own pattern. For me that is half the fun is figuring out how to do it and if I sell it it isn't a copyright issue. LOL. Almost everything is a one of kind as I normally change and tweak each one. Sure I will make two or three of something if someone asks, but usually just one. So, thanks again for your inquiries, you never know what I might sell unless you ask.

I really wanted to get more done this weekend, BUT everyone else had other ideas. Saturday I had to complete an Emergency Vehicle Operation Course on my day off for work. Luckily it was all overtime. Yiippee!!!! Then I picked my daughter up from church as they went to a Youth For Christ talent contest. She was in the choir. They came in second place according to her, which I know isn't bad, but there were only two choirs. LOL. Second or last, half full half empty. LOL. Then off to get my daughter a pair of hiking boots and moisture wicking socks. I have reluctantly allowed my daughter to travel to Tennessee over Spring Break next week. She will be going with the Earth Science Club from school. They will be hiking through the mountains and parks there. Just a little background my daughter walks nowhere. She prefers to get a ride from whomever will take her where she wants to go. I don't believe she understands how many miles she will be hiking. I've tried to tell her it's not a good idea, BUT "MOM I really want to go!" So I've decided she can pay for the trip out of her savings account. So if she poops out it's her money. This is very frightening for me as with her disabilities she has never been away from home more than a weekend in Washington DC last year. She will be on her own to take her medication and to make decisions and judgements. I am just sick with worry already.

Sunday I promised my son I would take him to a Train and Toy Show at the local convention center. Talk about bored!!!!! UGGGHHHH. The things we do for our kids. LOL. He isn't into trains, but he sure is into Matchbox cars. We searched every booth in that place for a car/truck that he doesn't already have in his collection. One guy gave him a free Chevy Nova car and I bought him, after a lot of pleading, a utility truck for $2.00. I was never happier to get out of there. LOL. We came home and I had to get started on the mountain of laundry that we somehow accumulate. I don't know I think it's the dirty laundry fairy who brings it at night while I try to sleep. Steve was getting a cold so he slept all afternoon until about 8:00pm. I decided to rearrange AGAIN and peel the border off the wall in the kitchen. Needless to say I got restless and bored and decided to paint too... I'll show you a sneak peek in a bit.

Just a few more pics of Spring...

My living room... Remember the other day I said I couldn't find the smaller eggs...ummm well... ahhh... teehee they were in a jar in my kitchen. LOL.

I added a few on the middle shelf. You tired of seeing this shelf yet? LOL

And finally I changed in front of my stairs again... Yea I see it my kids pictures are crooked thanks for pointing that out. LOL.

My kitchen ... Like I said I peeled the border now all I have to do is get the paper backing off the walls. I thought I'd show you a before and after...


After.... I like it better now than before. Ummm... duh or else I wouldn't have changed it.

This is just a little sneak peek as to what I'm painting. It will be for sale as soon as it is done. Steve says he likes how it came out...

I have been trying to post this all day, but I think Blogger was having issues as it wouldn't post my pictures for you. Sorry.


  1. Hi Mary~
    really like the change you made near the stairway. Nice display.
    I had trouble with blogger too today and still don't have my post ready, maybe later just so you know it wasn't just you!
    I'm thinkin something Patriotic is coming from your new project :)
    Have a wonderful Easter week.

  2. I love your pictures!! Your blog is wonderful - I enjoy visiting over and over and your music is AWESOME :)

  3. Mary-
    love your spring tweaking!!! My husband is always asking if I'm finished decorating--LOL As if!!

  4. I LOVE how you decorate!! It all looks SO NICE!

  5. Love the set up infront of the stairs. If you happen to see that laundry fairy, please tell her to skip over my house I'm sick of her! LOL ~Ann

  6. Hey Mary! I had trouble with blogger all day yesterday and early this morning, I couldn't even access my own blog! UGH!
    But it's all better now.
    Your pics lok great, as always. I really like how you display your old canning jars.
    Looking forward to seeing what you are making.
    Have a great week!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.