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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thrift Store Finds AND Light a Candle Cuz You Never Know...

I know that many of you have talked on your blogs that you just aren't finding anything. I have to agree with you. Since Christmas I have not found much at all, which is a good thing for my checkbook. LOL. If you'll remember I said back at the beginning of the year as a New Year's resolution I was only going to go once a month. Yeah... I already blew that out of the water. I can't help it I'm addicted AND unfortunately my basement shows it. I need to get going on my redo's. I buy with every intention on repainting or repurposing and never seem to get to it. Hmmm... oh wait this isn't therapy... on with the show. LOL.

I was at one of my favorite thrift stores in Amish country. I was getting a little down because I wasn't finding anything. Trust me I know where to go to find the things I want in the store. There a certain places I don't go because most times there is no use. But as I was walking around in the craft section I found the wood eggs. Like I said yesterday I am not normally into Spring/Easter decorating but I liked the unfinished wood eggs. I think I will just stain them and leave them out all year in a jar. For some of my new readers... the plates, bowls, and placemats are all thrift store finds from previous trips to the same thrift store. Oh yeah... like my dining room table arrangement I did yesterday???? I think I need a riser under it though.

Next as I wondered up front to the game section, where I never go, I found this beauty. It also came with the actual game pieces. I have no idea how to play it, but it'll look nice on the wall. LOL. I think I paid $2.50. On the back it says "Checkered Past 1991". It is nicely painted and framed out.

Next I found this wood masher type thing. LOL. It reminds me of the wood thing my Mom used in the metal colander when she canned her tomatoes to mush them up and strain the seeds out.

This is where I put it...

Now a true story... all names have been changed to protect the stupid... LOL.

Light a Candle Cuz You Never Know...

Two weeks ago today it was a cool day and I decided to start decorating my home for Spring. Well, to get me in the mood I lit two candles. One... a French Vanilla and the other was a sweet scent you know like maple, or cookies or something like that... (I can't remember cuz I burnt it all and threw away the jar.) Anyway, the house was smelling good but after while I didn't smell it because I was in it all day. I went about my business the kids came home from school and my "son" went out to play with his friend. Not thinking much about it my son came in early went took his shower and put his pjs on. No big deal it was like 7:30pm. Next thing I know my door bell is ringing. Now I still have stuff scattered everywhere from rearranging. I never let people in when my house is a mess. So I open the door. A nano second goes by and it registers there is a police officer standing at my door. Ummm... hello...

Officer: Does your son have a BB or pellet gun?

Me: Yes why?

Officer: Can I come in? Dummy me didn't think to invite this guy in. My brain is flying by at a million miles a minute. I will beat my son as soon as this guy leaves is what I'm thinking. I know HE did something. The officer steps inside.

Officer: Wow your house smells good. (Thankfully he said it smells good and not like dirty sweat socks!!!!!) Your son and his friend shot out a plate glass window in a house.

Me: WHAT?????? As I shoot my son a dirty glance for not advising me of the situation.

Officer: I have already visited "friends" house and he admitted to shooting the window. I am just telling you because it was your son's gun. Just so you know it is illegal to shoot BB guns in the city. (I knew that but my son brought the gun home from his Dad's without asking.) The "friend's" Mom and boyfriend will be paying for the window so don't worry.

Me: Shew is what I'm thinking... Trust me I will handle this!!!! I had asked my son where the gun was and it was at his "friend's". The officer also asked where it was and the "friend" lied and said it was here. Needless to say the officer went to the "friend's" and retrieved the gun and it is now in my safe keeping to go back to his Dad's. Yes my son was grounded for not telling me the truth. I was relieved he didn't do it as I had told him time after time not to point it at houses or people.

So long story short... always burn a candle because you never know who will show up at your house and you don't want it too stink especially if you have a stinky 10 year old boy. LOL.


  1. LOL....cute story about your candle!! Ok was the officer cute?? Im kidding....Id be kicking my kids butt for not telling me too but then you wouldnt have gotten the visit from the nice officer!! Have a great day!

  2. Love your thrift store finds, and the dining room centerpiece. I've wanted a big wooden goose forever, but haven't seen one for sale in ages. Not much primitive shopping around here. The gameboard is awesome. BTW, Shari Lutz, who makes gorgeous dolls and Santas used the name "A Checkered Past" back in the ealry 90's, but I'm not sure if she did wooden items.

    Have agreat day!

  3. Oh my goodness. I'm having a broken window flashback from my sons childhood as well. The candle advice is good.

  4. Oh wow! Those darn BB guns! I have had my sliding glass door shot out, a windshield, and the windows in Craigs dad's truck cab shot out...all courtesy of my two boys. And that's what I know about. I told them if they ever shot a living matter what it was....they had to eat it. Needless to say, the guns are now only used when we camp....and out of the camp ground.
    Sorry....boys are a whole different kind of fun, aren't they?!
    Love your thrift store finds! :):):)

  5. Being the mother of sons is never dull!

  6. Oh my gosh....This post made me smile.
    Boys will be boys!

  7. love your new centerpiece and your finds!! And lol about the candle story.

  8. Your post made me the officers comment!

  9. Oh my goodness! Protecting the innocent huh? I bet you wanted to use one of those thrift store finds on the un-named culprit! LOL Too funny - I hope he learned his lesson.

    PS love the masher!!

  10. Mary, at first I thought the candle story was going to go in a different direction say like a fire was breaking out and an officer was coming to your door asking about smoke then I remember wait this girl is a firefighter DUH? It was a cute story, and made a very good point. Love the goose and the eggs! And what a deakl on the checkered board. Also yesterdays post I love your buckets I want one!!

  11. What a great story! Glad your son is in the clear - so to speak.


  13. that's a funny story...I have a son to and I know what your going thru...Mine's grown now..and I don't miss those days...
    Prim hugs,

  14. I think the wood eggs would look great kept out all year long. I have a basket that says 'farm fresh produce' on the front. I need some of these eggs for it!

    Wow, awesome deal on that game board! Wish I could find one like that.

    Oh, what a story! Boys are boys and they always will be. Lol!


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