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Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday, Goodwill, and Other Stuff...

Today is Good Friday. Let's not forget the reason we celebrate Easter. It is not about candy and the Easter Bunny, but about Jesus dying on the cross for each and everyone of our sins.

Day number two off in a row with beautiful weather. We slept with the windows open and I even went out this morning on the stoop to drink my coffee in my robe and pajamas. I watched as the robins were fighting in the front yard and tweeting happily in the morning sun. Oh wait did I tell you the muscle relaxers didn't work and again I was up at 3:30am in pain. I did call the doctor this morning and he called in some pain pills to the pharmacy and an order for a bone scan since all my x-rays came back fine. That always happens everything less expensive comes back normal so that I have to go for more expensive tests. And of course my deductible just went up to $2000. Grrrr....

Yesterday like I said I went to two different Goodwills. I came home spending $1.50.
The pewter mug on the left was $.50. It has a dent but I'll just turn it the other way. The vase? in the front is a blue grey with yes grapes on it. I liked the coloring and it too was $.50. Lastly, the tin cup which I already have plans for making something with it was yep you guessed it $.50.

Thought I would show you some other projects we are in the middle of here at the homestead.

My TV cabinet for the living room... guess I won't be parking in the garage for awhile. LOL. Oh yeah for the ladies who contacted me about the America signs... the board is down on the left side. Steve is picking up more paint today. Thanks so much for the orders. (Aren't ya excited!!!!!) LOL P.S. The board is cut ready to paint.

Next is random projects I am working on... don't you just love when I show the the projects before I get them done and it leaves you wondering what I'm going to do with them?

Coffee stained towels... my stupid drying rack blew over and broke today. Grrr...

A pewter grey board... hmmmmmm?????? (Left over from the America boards.) I wonder what this will turn into.

And a primed glass jar...

I will leave with this... Have a wonderful Easter Weekend... and I'll meet up with you next week hopefully Tuesday.


  1. Mary do you mean the Wooster Goodwill? And is there stil
    a Goodwill in Orrville?


  2. Oh Mary! are leaving us hanging til Tuesday????..Ok I'm sure since it's your doing it is worth the wait. (always is)
    Your Americana sign is beautiful. Are you still taking orders?
    ~Easter Blessings, Misi

  3. Have a great weekend. You get so much done. I am working full time and am so impressed that you still have the energy you do. What is your secret? Or..I want some :)!!! Julie

  4. Pamela

    I went to the Orrville and Rittman Goodwill.


  5. Thanks Mary.

    I did not know there was a Goodwill
    in Rittman. There is also one
    in Millersburg & Loudonville.

    Now a days just about any town of
    a good size has a Goodwill.
    Years ago that was not so.


  6. Good Morning Mary Sweetie...
    Your work is just so beautiful as always. Now I see you have an Americana sign that I would love to have. Are you still taking orders? I would love to have one for my house with the holidays fast approaching us? Please let me know.

    Have a beautiful day sweetie, and I so look forward to seeing what you are doing with those towels, and with the Ball jar. You are so talented.

    Have a gorgeous day sweetie. Country hugs...Sherry


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