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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am hoping all of you had a wonderful Easter. I had a wonderful dinner at my sister's house, which I fell asleep right after at the dinner table. Let me explain... remember on Friday I told you my doctor gave me some pain pills for my shoulder? Well, I only took one Friday night, and two Saturday night ( a
few hours apart) due to the pain. Well, I woke up Sunday morning in a rash from head to toe. Yep you guessed it an allergic reaction to the medicine. So to treat it I took Benadryl on an empty stomach about an hour before I went to my sisters. Normally Benadryl doesn't knock me out, but oh man I could barely stay awake to finish dinner. So I went into the living room on her couch and took a nap. LOL. I am such a party animal.

My daughter left Sunday night for Tennessee to hike for the week since it's Spring Break around here. I have only gotten one call from her to say she was there and she had a good day yesterday. Fingers crossed the home sickness will not set in. Though her friends that went seemed a bit nervous too so maybe they will comfort each other.

Steve also finished my flower boxes and attached my buntings... Now all I need to do is wait for the weather stay warm at night so I can buy flowers. I need to find some that will grow in complete shade. The Easter lilies are just propped in there because the wind today keeps blowing them over on my porch. I have another flower box just like this on my other window, which I will take a pic of later.

Other than that I've been working and trying to get laundry done and craft in between. I was hoping to get more done today, but my son and I had a day out. We went to a craft and hobby shop in town today that we had never been to. He wanted a model car to paint and put together. We will see if he finishes it. Then we went to Pat Catan's for some paint and other stuff. Of course then Wal-mart is across the street so we went over there and looked around and bought a few items. Then we decided to go out to lunch just the two of us. He picked Cici's pizza. Ummm well, not the best but it was quick and he could eat his fill. I didn't work on my towels yet because of these... LOL.

The first four... after these are done I know of few of you have asked if I'm taking any more orders and I will make a few more. It'll just take me until the weekend to get more wood. I am hoping to get these finished up tomorrow.

I did finish my next sign. I couldn't decided checkerboard or sign... Then I couldn't decided which stencils to use. This sign ended up taking a little longer because I'm so indecisive. LOL. So I decided on this... Want it??? How about $15.00 includes shipping it's 14" X 11 1/4".

I have my jar painted, but not finished. Once I again I have a few ideas for it and can't decide. LOL. I shoulda just painted two and been done with it. Then I could've done both ideas.


  1. Ooooh, YAY, one of those is mine....all MINE! HA! Well its going in the kids room, so techinically its Dom and Bellas:(

    Love the welcome sign...Im gonna be in trouble if you dont stop making these signs Mary!!!!

    When ya gotta sleep, sleep! :)

    Send me an invoice so I can pay ya while I have the funds in there.

  2. One of those has my name on it too!
    Can't wait. I really like the way the rail/post is for the bunting, good thinking! I have a bunting similar to yours but no porch railing so I might have to show my hubs this picture to give him an idea!!! It will go well with my other outdoor Americana goodies.
    Don't work to hard girl, get some rest!

  3. LOVE the flower boxes! I would plant some Lobelia (sp?). It's a small little purple flower that loves shade or part sun. It should cascade nicely over the edge. IT would be pretty mixed in with some other stuff!
    Hope you get to feeling better very soon.:)

  4. I just looked at your picture trails, they are so very nice! I love pics of your home!

  5. Hi Mary,

    I love the bunting and the flower boxes and I also can't wait to buy flowers too, May can't come soon enough!

    Hope you get to feeling better, I'm allergic to vicadan, took one at night when I had my knee operated on and woke up itching all over:)


  6. Love the flower boxes! Isn't nice to be able to get outside & decorate & I love seeing the sun shining & the green grass!
    Have a great day & I hope your shoulder is feeling better!


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