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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just Some Living Room Pics...

Not much is happening around the homestead except working. On Monday afternoon the doctor's office called and confirmed I do have 2 herniated discs in my lower back at L4 and L5. I have been scheduled for an epidural block for next Wednesday. After that I may look into a massotherapist and a different chiropractor to hopefully help also. At this point, I can't stand anyone touching my back because the skin even hurts. The guys at work have been wonderful. If they see my partner and I at the hospital or nursing home they come over and tell me to get out of the way. They have been doing the lifting and moving of patients. Then I get the lecture of why I shouldn't be at work. I tell them "HELLO single parent... I have to work because no one else will pay my bills!!!"

I cleaned the house on Monday and snapped some more pictures of the Homestead. So I'll quit blabbing and show you.

I will post the dining room pictures tomorrow. I have a ton of those so I figured you'd get bored looking at all of them today. LOL.


  1. Hope you get some relief from the back pain.

    Your home looks awesome!!
    Take care, Janie

  2. What an awesome room!! Very welcoming!
    Hope your back feels better soon!!

  3. tell the dr. you want to try some LYRICA. i am telling you mary, it will help!!!
    the room looks great. you always post us good eye candy. :)

  4. Everthing looks awesome! You really have some wonderful pieces and displayed well :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend...


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