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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Ebay Winnings and More...

Wow it's been a long time since I talked to you last! Not much has happened other than working so you really didn't miss out on anything.

Like I said on Friday I decided to bid on a few things on Ebay recently. I haven't been on let alone bid in over a year. I remember when I was first introduced to it I ummmm kinda got addicted. No seriously addicted! That is when I was in to Longaberger. I bought almost all of the old Fall Series baskets that are now retired. I got market baskets, Mother's Day baskets, and pottery. Ugghhh now I don't even decorate with them. I do use some of them though. I used to think that they were only to sit around and look pretty. LOL. So, for now I am being very careful.

First off I bought these Civil War repro blue fabric squares. They are 5 inches. I will either use what I have or add some more out of my stash and make a quilt for my dining room. Yes another project to add to my list.

Next I got this repro coverlet. The colors are brown, black, and white. I figure I can fold it to hide the fringe. I am using my daughter's camera because even though my son found mine someone stole the rechargeable batteries out of mine and I'm to lazy to take the batteries out of hers and put it in mine. LOL

Lastly, I got these boxes to add to my collection. Only $20.50 for both.

Steve and I had our Memorial Day picnic on Sunday with my ex-sil Tiffany. We had all the fixings courtesy of Steve. He basically cooked it all and it was very good. Let's see he made a huge fruit salad with watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, blueberries, red raspberries, strawberries, and grapes. Next we had steaks grilled with asparagus, summer squash, and zucchini grilled also. Then I made for the second time ever homemade ice cream. It didn't turn out like I had hoped, but I will try again. Ummmm... I had an issue of not communicating with Steve about what I needed. I told him whole milk not Vitamin D milk. So he bought Lactaid milk because the carton said whole milk. My fault! I think that might be the issue why it didn't thicken like I wanted. I mean it couldn't be that Steve watched the ice cream maker for me.

LOL I was having issues with the top part fitting on the paddle to turn it. I had to keep putting pressure on it to get it to grab. So Steve volunteered to sit and relax with his feet on the top and play his PSP. LOL. Ahhhh the rough life. LOL.

Today is suppose to be hot and sticky as we have some storms moving in supposedly, so I will be making a special request bonnet for one of my readers. They asked if I would make a bonnet out of a specific fabric they had seen at Hobby Lobby. I said sure, but I didn't have one near me. So they went out and purchased the fabric sent it to me and now they get exactly what they want. ;-) ( you know who you are. LOL) This is hard to see but it is great fabric. It is blue ticking type that already looks coffee stained. I'll show you the finished product don't worry!!!!

So I better get off of here and get cracking!!!! LOL.


  1. Wow, you racked up on Ebay! Love the coverlet especially and those fabrics are great!

    Lol! What a way to "watch" the ice cream maker! That's cute!

    Have a great day, Mary!

  2. Mary,
    those primitive measures you bought are fantastic, the fabric and coverlet too. Glad you had a relaxing Memorial Day. How cool that Steve cooked, he looks pretty laid back with the ice cream maker. Have a great week.

  3. You got some great ebay wins! Love those boxes and what a deal.
    I'm glad you had a nice Memorial weekend. the fruit salad sounds delish!
    Blessings ~ Birgit

  4. Love it!! I know what you mean about addicted, mine is all the auctions!! I have to stay away from ebay for that reason!! :D
    Love the materials!! Can't wait to see the bonnet done! Glad to see you enjoyed yourself over Memorial weekend!! :D
    Sending all of our best wishes!!
    Debi xo

  5. You got some great items on ebay..Glad you had a restful Memorial Day and have a great rest of the week..

  6. Nice winnings! I really enjoy seeing what you're doing with all of your finds and goodies.

  7. Great Ebay goodies. Nice to hear you all had a nice weekend.


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