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Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Favorite Colors to Use

I've had several requests for the list of colors I used on my boxes in my dining room. So I will show and tell exactly what I used on each box. I'm hoping I remember!

Let's start here. I picture again of all of them.

Here's the colors I use. I buy whatever is where I happen to be that day. If you click on the picture it will get big and you can see the exact paints. There is one missing because I used it all and it is Apple Barrel (Wal-mart) Spice Brown I think (?). As you can see most are from Wal-mart. I remember reading somewhere someone saying they didn't like Apple Barrel because it is thin. I agree it is thin, but it's cheap and I can always put more than one coat on. The other one's, with the exception of the Olde Century paint, I got at Pat Catan's. I don't know if they are available at other craft stores. I don't have very many near me.

First row on the left...

This started out as barn red and burnt umber. I didn't think the burnt umber showed up enough so I added navy blue.

Yellow ochre and burnt umber

Pewter grey and burnt umber

Are you noticing a trend? LOL.

Middle Row...

top one pewter grey with burnt umber...

Just burnt umber...

Pewter grey and brown spice....

Third row...

This one was an oops! Do you remember your elementary grades when they tell you when you mix colors you get other colors? This was yellow ochre base. Then I though oh cool navy blue on top would be awesome. UMMMM HELLO!!!!! that makes GREEN!!!! It was a really neon green! Now what? so I added burnt umber to tone it down and now I LOVE it!!!!

Top one is yellow ochre with burnt umber.

Middle one is barn red with burnt umber.

Bottom one is spice brown.

With these next ones I'm trying very hard to remember what I used.

barn red, hunter green and yellow ochre...

Olde Century Olde Forge Mustard and Spice Brown...

This is the same box in both pictures...

This one is yellow ochre, barn red, and pewter grey... I think. It's so sad I can't remember. LOL

I hope this helps some of you. Like I told one of my readers, who emailed me, I have some other boxes here that I'm going to try to paint and show a tutorial on how I get the blended colors. Give me some time, but I will try to work on it.


  1. Your color choices are wonderful! Look forward to your tutorial in the future. TFS.

  2. I love the colors that you use. I will have to keep them in mind when I redo more myself.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what i love to read!!!!!!!! What to use and how to do it! I love your blog!!!!!!!

  4. I love them all, and I so enjoy your blog! Thank you for sharing tutorials of your talents with are so kind to do so! I am loving the bonnets too...I am close to hitting your email button to order, but just not sure what fabric I want to ask for :>)..they all look wonderful! Have a great week!

  5. I love your boxes, I do the same thing and I use those paints. I love them!!!
    I love your blog and the beautiful music!!
    Have a great week!

  6. The boxes look great, especially in the display you have pictured....Thanks for sharing.

    I enjoy reading your blog whenever I get the chance and have to admit we seem to share a few "hoarding habits". After reading your previous posts I am keen to get stuck in and clear out my closet. Maybe if they aired that "Hoarders" show over here in Australia it would shame me into cleaning out some of my

  7. Mary, I use some of the same colors and types of paint as you. And my technique is pretty much the same as your's. I love stacking boxes, but have sold and given away a lot of them because I am out of room. I still have quite a few though! LOL!
    Have a great week!

  8. Great, can't go wrong, colors. Thanks for sharing

  9. Love all your color choices! I use those myself! Thanks for sharing and your home is SO beautiful Mary! Hope you are well!


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