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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Projects Yet to Be...

You all know I am a trash picker at heart! Well, I happened to be driving home from the store the other day when I spotted some old pickets from a fence sticking out of the top of someone's trash can. This of course was on a main street here in town. LOL. I stopped and tried to pull them out but they were stuck. Grrrr.... now what I'm not gonna unload the trash just to get them out. So back in the car I went. I just couldn't stop thinking about them... I swear I heard them calling my name!!!!! Please don't let us go to the trash dump!!!! Seriously I know I heard that. I pull in the driveway and guess who is in front of me???? STEVE!!!!!! He'll do anything for me. He couldn't get out of the car fast enough for me. I told him to get in the car I needed his help. And he got in without a word. LOL. Around the corner we went to the pickets. He parked the car and got out. He couldn't pull them out either so he unloaded the trash and rescued these babies...

Fabulous I know you're jealous... I just have to let them dry out cuz they are really wet.

My next treasure Steve and I found a few houses down the street while we were out for a walk. I remarked how awesome it was and wondered why it was out for the trash. My son and his friends happened to be out riding bikes when I told him to go look at the chair and see what was wrong with it. So like a good boy he went and looked and reported that it was sturdy. Since we were walking I asked my son to go trash pickin and get it for me. LOL. He and his friends went and parked their bikes ran over and then carried it home and put it in the garage. Woohoo I've taught my son well!!! It needs a good cleaning and new seat cover. I think it'll work well for my computer instead of the folding chair I use now. There is a little piece of wood missing so maybe I'll paint it too.

Lastly, not a trash find but FREE!!!! I came home from work one night to find this sitting on my table next to the front door.

My Mom dropped it off because there was a hand written note on the inside..."Harland's bonnet". I know my Mom had an Uncle Harland but I'm not sure if it was on my Grandmother's side or my Grandfather's side. The one thing I can tell you it is over 100 years old!!!!! You should see the stitching on this bonnet. The one thing I noticed was there are 4 ties not 2. Hmmmm.... I have it hung over the little dress in my living room on my shelf. I was so excited!!!!

A little update... I hate talking about me but I've had several emails about how my doctor's appt went. My doctor seems to think I might have several herniated disks in my lower back. I had Xrays today and have an MRI scheduled for next Monday. He gave me a new medication to help me sleep called Elavil. I am still working to find the right dose but have hope. I am sleeping about 4-5 hours in a row before my back spasms wake me up and I have to change positions. He informed me that people with Fibromyalgia are sometimes prescribed this at low doses to help them sleep. All I can say is that most of my mid back and shoulder pain subsides for most of the day since starting it. The low back pain is another story... LOL. For now I continue working and searching for new employment opportunities to try and save my back.

I forgot to tell you all I am finally going to take my kids on a vacation!!!! I have never been able to afford to go on one since my son was born 10 years ago. I've saved some money and I am taking them to Oglebay, West Virginia in July. My son is so excited. He has never been outside of Ohio!!! Steve is coming with us because I can't stand to drive for that long and he and my son are planning on fishing and golfing together. They had a great summer time package I couldn't pass up. Hopefully they can do something about my back before then.

Boy my thoughts are getting random... I'm almost done with my quilt. I just need to do the binding and it will be done! Maybe it will be done by July 4th after all. LOL. Then I'll work on my box tutorial because my dining table will be cleared off. Thanks again for visiting!!!!


  1. Mary you crack me up! I love it when we see trash and have a vision for that item. I think that new chair will be awesome once you've put your touch on it.
    So glad you get to take your kids on a vacation. They will be grown and gone before you know it.
    As for your back, well my 28 year old son had a severe low back injury at 20-immediately the docs wanted to cut him open, my hubby said no he's to young. We took him to our chiropractor and he gave him a routine of exercises to do daily and did accupucture on him several different times-no adjustments like you might be thinking. Our son was on our floor for 5 weeks crawling to where he needed to go but eventually healing himself. I know every situation is very different from another but we are so grateful that he didn't have surgery. He is an extreme sports kind of guy and rock climbs, motorbikes, snowmobiles and above all ski's like a wild man. I sure hope for your sake someone can help you with your pain.
    Take care-

  2. What a great day you had finding items at the curb! My 12 year old son would rather crawl under a rock than be seen hauling off some piece of junk that I just have to have! How lucky you are!!! I found some pieces of fence in an antique store - they wanted $17.00 apiece! HELLO - I don't think so, guess my first misstep was an antique store! Can't wait to see what you do with them. ~Ann

  3. They are nice fence pickets. Was any one watching? Oh how funny. When I get the chance to grab a treasure off the trash pile it is always worth it. That chair will be great. Have fun making it over.

  4. I could see myself doing the same thing as you Mary in getting someone to help me..The pickets have so much potential..Can't wait to see how you use them..The "free" chair will look great anywhere in your home..Also love the bonnet that's been in your family for so long..Hoping you get relief for that back of yours and have a great week..

  5. Mary you are a picker just like me, aint really no such thing as junk, huh.,lol. Can't wait to see what you do with the pickets! Hope your back starts feeling better. I have been taking Elavil for over 15 years, I take 50 mg at bedtime, it was prescribed to me for spastic colon, it is an antidepressant and at a low dose calms down the colon. I've tried going off of it several times and just can't, if you read up on it most people have a hard time stopping it. One interesting thing that happened though, last summer I tried to stop taking it and I started having hot flashes really bad, I found that it is also sometimes helpful in treating some menopausal symptoms. Talked to the dr and its better than taking hormones, so I'm not gonna try to stop taking it again. Give it time it will probably give you relief.
    Thanks for sharing your junkin story today..

  6. oooooh, I wish I could find some lucky of luck with your back...I had nerve root compression with a ruptured disc in my neck last year and finally had surgery after 9 months of constant pain...Needless to say, I loooove my neurosurgeon..he fixed me! Hope you get fixed too.

  7. I can't wait to see what you do with your treasures. Awesome about the vacation--I hope you have a blast.

    Good luck with your back. That does not sound fun at all. Get better quick!! Julie

  8. You are sooo funny! I would never be able to bribe anybody in my family to pick something out of the garbage...LOL. I can't wait to see what you will do with them :)

    I so understand what you mean by lower back pain. The disease I have affects the spine, upper and lower, the hip area and others. Sometimes I have so much pain, I can hardly walk. I take sleeping pills because if not, I would never sleep. Before I stopped working I litterly went two years without sleep. If I was lucky, I was sleeping maybe one hour a night then head off to work with really bad bags under my eyes. Thank God, after three very long years, they have finally found the medication that makes me sleep. I hope they can find your problem because we don't realize how important our back is until we end up having major problems...

    That sounds like lots of fun for a Summer Vacation :) Have fun planning...

  9. Well Mary...what can I say other than....there's nothing quite like the feeling of a good rummage through a big ole garbage can full of discarded

    Sounds like you were lucky you didnt throw your back out more...the way you were tugging at those

    Keep up the good work!!

  10. Mary,
    You are soooo right ~ I'm so jealous about the fence. Haha. I love it and the chair. You have a very well trained son. I'm so happy that you all get to take a vacation, you have been thru such rough times and you deserve it. I have three herniated discs in my cervical spine & the first thing they said was surgery & I sai No. I just deal with it. Thanks for sharing & I'm glad your Elavil is working.

  11. What a fun read about the "trash" run! I anxiously watch for the end results of this one. Will the future bonnets now have 4 strings instead of two? You need to rest the back...can't have you in such pain when you want to do crafting and need to work at your job! Take care please!

  12. What wonderful treasures! The bonnet is priceless for sure! Congrats!
    Have a happy day!


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