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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Come Craft With Me...

Gathering of Friends
July 17th, 2010
Time: 10am
Where: The Gettysburg Homestead

The next date has been set for another prim friend/crafting gathering. This will be a day of crafting, new friendships, and what else... eating. This is open to anyone who would like to come. (My overseas or Canadian friends you are welcome too. LOL One of you told me you would bring Lamingtons.) Bring a friend if you don't like to travel alone. Don't have a project you are working on? That's OK come and socialize anyway and see what everyone else is up to. Maybe you will learn something new. Want to learn something specific? Let me know and I'll see if someone that is coming can help you or we'll figure it out together. The more the merrier or the tighter we'll be packed in my home. LOL. I have a new project I'm dying to start but I need a hooker to help me!!!! What???? NO not that kind of hooker a rug hooker. GEEEEEZZZZZ. LOL.

Please email me if you are coming so that I can give you my address. FYI I live in Wayne County Ohio if that helps! LOL. That and so I can plan to be sure I have enough seating.

Also please bring a snack to share. You know us ladies get us together with good friends and good food and we may never leave or get anything done. I'm telling you now I WILL talk your ear off in person.


  1. Wish I could make it-sounds like it will be fun! Love the new look of your blog page-you've been busy again :=)

    Seasons of Thy Heart and
    Country Impressions selling blog

  2. Mary, first thanks again for the info. on the bonnets I would like a bonnet...I have paypal but it has been such a long time since I have used it. I was wondering could you leave me a price on my comments on my blog and being a teller at a bank I could get you a Money order or a cashiers check which ever one you prefer and after you cash it send me the bonnet? Just think about it and let me know. I wish I could come and craft with you I think it would be a blast!!! I promise you one day I will come I will make a trip all the way from Tennessee, your a hoot and I love your posts they are always full of laughs! I believe you trained Steve and your son well, them going through the trash and all! LOL! If I have said it once I have said it a million times Marry Steve if he asks he seems great!! HUGS!

  3. I'd love to join you, but its a long drive from Alabama. I hope lots of others will take you up on this. Have fun!

  4. wish I could make it too!
    Unfortunately we have plans...keep us posted on the next one!


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Oh my I want to come...lets see a day to drive to your house and a day to return home...there goes the weekend and I missed crafting day ;>D !! Have fun, I will think of you with a slight bit of envy! ENJOY, ENJOY!!

  7. Well Mary...I know I said I woud bring the Lamingtons....but I did also say that the long trek over from "AUS" would make them all soggy....and who likes soggy lamingtons???

    I do wish I could come but I dont think the old bank balance would carry the airfare or the shopping I would do once I got over there....tee hee!

    Will be thinking of you all on the 17th though and wishing I was there!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.