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Monday, June 21, 2010

My Newest Goodwill Finds...

I had my MRI scan this morning on my back. All I have to do now is wait. Wait to see what the damage is and if I can get an epidural block. My leg decided that today would be the day to start giving out on me as I was walking down the hallway at the hospital. Luckily I didn't fall.

Anyway, Saturday I had some errands to do and thought I'd ask my son if he wanted to go with me. I told him we could go to the Goodwill if he came along. LOL Like how I use my son as the excuse? He likes to look for toys as well as clothes. He needs some shorts and he is into the longer sport style shorts. And for $2.00 to $3.00 I can't say no. So of course I HAD to look around too. My son was trying to talk me into buying a toaster oven with no rack. Needless to say it is still there.

BUT I did make a haul...

There is a box missing but Steve thought he could make me another box to to fit the lid.

I already redid this one, but have to do it again... Apparently, I didn't get enough of the tole painting off when I sanded it came through. So I get to redo my redo. LOL

My son got his shorts and a firefighter sign for his room too.

I have put some of the new goods to use already... Oh and I'm still debating whether to coffee stain the new quilt or not.

I almost forgot to show you my yard sale redo... I just darkened it up a little.

And one more pic of my use of the Goodwill finds...

Come back tomorrow as I will post my Tuesday Tutorial on how to turn this... (another Goodwill find)

Into this...


  1. Fantastic buys!
    I love the flag quilt and I think I'd leave it just as it is still very old looking.
    Hope you get the shots....I've had them 5 different times and need them again...but I'll take those over surgery any day.
    Lately my legs have wanted to buckle on me but at the hips. Darn it's sad getting old...unfortunately I've had this since I've been young! LOL


  2. Some great finds. I think the box to match the lid should be not too difficult to make.
    The quilt is a bit bright, but maybe a light tea dye?

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog again. I have been very slow in getting around to everyone. Love the treasures you found. You must have a very keen eye for bargains that will suit your home. It looks great from the pictures you show.
    Hope you get good news about your back.

  4. You sure do have a gift for grabbing those good finds. Love how you use them.

  5. Wonderful finds Mary!
    Thanks for my bonnet-it's perfect. Need to do some tweaking then will take a picture of how I'm displaying it.
    Rough week here-to much happening but I'll get through it.
    Hope your back is feeling better soon.
    I'm not looking forward to knee replacement later this summer!
    Blessings to you~

  6. Score and touchdown...good work! Dianntha

  7. Wow, you get get a haul! Love that shelf with the old spools and bobbins!!


  8. Hi: What great bargains...I love the canisters...I had the same ones when I got married in 1951, but alas, they are long gone. Love your blog, mine is new and I can't wait till I learn how to put music on it and get better with the pictures. YOURS IS GREAT!
    redesigngal Joy


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