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Friday, July 9, 2010

Busy Busy

Oh my word has it been HOT here at the Homestead! If you'll remember I worked Monday through Wednesday. I have to wear dark pants and boots for my job and a collared shirts with another shirt underneath. Girls let me tell you I was sweating in places that I didn't know I had. I looked at one of the digital bank signs on Tuesday and it read 101 degrees. To top it all off my partner and I went through 3 trucks in 2 days because the air conditioning went out. Our company basically ran out of available trucks to give out because others were having the same problem. I felt so gross by the time I came home at night. Today as I type this it is raining FINALLY. I haven't gone out yet so I'm not sure what the temperature is but they say it's suppose to be cooler at 80. Fingers crossed it will be.

Anyway, both Steve and I had off yesterday so we decided to clean up around the homestead outside. I think I won in the category of growing weeds. Holy Moley did I have a lot of weeds. I found flowers that I didn't plant after I weeded. I also helped Steve take salt to his parents rentals for the water softeners and mulch his rental. Yes it was still over 90 degrees yesterday. We were both sweating profusely too. I took more breaks than Steve did. For some reason the meds I'm on makes me feel dizzy when I'm in the heat and sun for long periods of time. But with my son's help we finally finished. Today I am paying for it as the muscles in my chest are so sore I can't bend my head down. I was the one who used the rake and spread the mulch around. So while my homestead still looks nice I thought I'd show you.

And what did I tell you in the Spring? Don't look too close because one of my flowers is dying on the left end. I have been watering I don't know what happened.

I have been looking at these boxes thinking how I'm going to decorate them for fall and Christmas already LOL. I am so excited.

I couldn't stand the empty peg racks so I threw some stuff up. I am coming up with other ideas I just need to have the time to make or buy what I want.

I am hoping to clean the house today. I took some Tylenol hoping it'll help with my soreness. Little do my kids know they are helping me because I'm hoping it will stay clean until next Saturday which is my Come Craft With Me Day. Not sure what I'm talking about look in the right sidebar and click on the picture of the little dolls. Have a great day everyone!


  1. OH Mary i love those window boxes! Your home looks so inviting inside and out! The heat is aweful here too and no rain yet!

  2. Your home looks great!! Our garden is full of weeds--the girls don't know it yet, but they get to take care of that today :)!!

    Hope you have a terrific weekend. Julie

  3. Your home looks so sweet! The flower boxes are amazing. You did an awesome job.

  4. You have made a beautiful home for you & the kids. Just love how you have decorated the outside to. The ped boards are looking filled. Take care & feel well soon.


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