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Monday, July 5, 2010

Some This and That

Sorry everyone for not posting sooner. You know how it is in the summer. Between work and the July 4th weekend putting my time in at the annual town festival. Notice I say "putting my time in". I did not enjoy myself. Since joining this new fire department no one will talk to me. Not the firemen and especially NOT their wives! I even tried to join in a conversation and I got "the look". You know the stop talking you are annoying us look. I guess I'm not in the little clique they have. Good thing I made Steve go with me the second day so I had someone to talk to. The first day I just took my old copies of Country Sampler with me to look through. It was like looking through new magazines again because I had forgotten what was in them. LOL. I really do not feel welcome at this new department. The wives kept sitting there talking about the "guys" who were working the festival. GRRRR... but anyway I may not stick it out there. I am normally not a quitter, but it is just volunteer. Who knows.

Anyway, while I was at work last week and after Steve passed his kidney stone he finished up my peg racks. I just LOVE them. Now I just need to decide what to put on the pegs. Please ignore the color of the pics. I have no idea why it has a peach look to it.

Of course now I have to show you what I bought during my excursion last week.

First, at the prim store... I have a weakness for candles. Don't ask why I just do. LOL. I have a an issue with making sure my house doesn't stink. There are so many times I walk into homes with my job that just plain stink. I sit there and think "oh my word I hope my house doesn't stink like this!"

I have never bought this brand so we shall see. Molasses and Sweet Potato Pie... Yum

My sweet potato garland. I know I could make one myself in my spare time. LOL. I really do want to try one though.

And of course a pair of stockings.

Then I had bought a candle from my friend Kim's store awhile back called Vermont Sugarhouse. I just LOVE this maple syrup smelling candle. So I ordered more from the company online since my friend Kim went out of business last month. They smell heavenly. The Indian Pudding smells like gingerbread. I am so set with candles for awhile... I hope...

Next my finds from the antique store...

These bowls I will be repainting. I haven't decided on colors yet.

This wood bowl I will not be repainting...

While I was there I got to talking to the shop owner and she told me about a product to use on wood stuff. You can buy it at Wal-mart. You know when you buy antiques the wood sort of has a white cast to it and looks dried out? She told me about this stuff...

Look at the difference on the bowl... The back part has this stuff on it and the front doesn't except for my hand print mark.

Other than that I made another "Gameboard" sign for my ex-MIL. It looks like mine in my previous post. She wanted one for her basement since she will be doing it in old toys. It's going to look awesome.

I work today and the next two days then two days off. We are leaving on vacation on Sunday. I am so excited. Other than my back flared up again over the weekend. I cancelled my back injection last week because I was feeling relatively good. Steve told me to reschedule so I wasn't miserable on vacation. I know he's right, but don't tell him I said that. LOL. Please keep your fingers crossed for him as he put in an application for a full time plumber job. He really needs a steady income and insurance. He's been sub contracting recently, but the work is slowing down. I am hoping he gets it.

Well, I am hoping to get caught up with some of you soon.


  1. I am sorry Mary that some have been treating you in such a rude way, sometimes people are just so caught in their own clique that they forget there are GOOD people out there that could make their worlds better. Let your heart tell you if the group is right for you, or if you should seek a different *volunteer* group! I love all of your blog entries today, anymore info available on the candles you ordered please! I am glad Steve is feeling better, and good luck with the job search, contract jobs are scarce in my area too! Have a great day, keep your chin up!

  2. Mary, I hope yor steve is felling better and I've been reading your blog faithfully as your my favorite blog!!!!! I love all your ideas and I think your very talented! Its amazing how you make things just work!!!!! I love your tutorials!!!! I made your boxes and they look wonderful!!!! Thanks for sharing them!!!! Big Prim Hugs Casey @

  3. LOVE the peg rack - good job Steve! Have you tried candle warmers instead of burning? I have one and I think that it makes them last longer - just a thought. Have a relaxing vacation. ~Ann

  4. Love the peg looks so nice. Your home is warm and inviting and I doubt that it stinks but I love candles too. Hang in there. Dianntha

  5. Mary,
    I know you aren't a quitter but if it's volunteer & the guys and their wives act like that, I'd be gone, but I am on the sensitive side. Love the pegboard Steve made and your bowls are great. Enjoy your vacation & I'm glad Steve is feeling better.
    hugs to ya,

  6. I love the peg boards. Have fun filling the pegs. You have great decorating skills. I like the look of wood for my butter bowls. They were dry and white colored when I found them. I rubbed them with olive oil on a soft lint free cloth. Enjoy your vacation!

  7. did the wives go over and pee on their husbands to mark their territory?? Shhesh--how middle-school acting are they??

    Sweet potato garland?? Never heard of it--is it dried slices??

  8. That is awful they treat you so badly.
    I think I would quit since it is volunteer. They should be happy to have you. What is wrong with people. I would say the women are jealous.
    You rack came out so pretty and the candles must smell wonderful.
    Hope you day is going well now.


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