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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Can't Help Myself

I planned on staying home and stitching yesterday. But I had some errands I needed to run. My son decided to go with me. Yea he's only doing it out of sheer boredom. His friend went to his Dad's for an entire month. So now I am suppose to keep him occupied. Anyway, I went to the drug store and picked up two new magazines. I got the Do It Yourself and Create and Decorate ones. Even Steve liked looking through them. But I digress... We decided to drive through town to go home. The street I normally turn on was closed due to road construction. Dang it!!! Well, then we just turned in the shopping plaza and HAD to drive by the Goodwill. You know me I can't pass it up. I asked my son and he was all for stopping. He of course went to look for clothes and me, I went straight to the home decor section in the back. People must be taking everything they don't sell at their yard sales because there was a ton of stuff.

Here are the things I found.

Can you believe this is one of those awful plastic placemats? I remember we had these as kids and in the summer they got all sticky no matter how many times you washed them. I bought this one for the pattern. I think I can recreate some of these things on cloth.

Of course I had to buy this horse. If you'll remember I have a horse weather vane and a horse in my header picture. I thought this little one would be awesome.

Then I saw this one... I think it use to be a rocking horse but someone tore off the rockers. It is a lot darker in person.

Then I spotted all this unfinished wood... Can't you see all the possibilities?

Then I found a bag of pegs for peg racks.

Last but not least some cinnamon sticks to put in a jar.

I also bought two sweaters. Yes really I bought them even though it's 90 degrees out. My son has the thrift fever. Yesterday while we were looking at jeans for him he saw one of the workers have a pair of jeans that "are in style Mom". He was pacing. He kept looking at me hoping she would put them down. "Mom" he whispered " I wonder what size those are?" "I don't know" I told him. Then of course I said "Well, maybe she is putting them aside for one of her kids." She had like 4 pair in her hand that she kept looking at the sizes. She walked up front and we went about our shopping. He just kept talking about those jeans. I happened to go up front and started looking through the racks that they put up front for different seasons. Like July 4th, swimsuits for summer, so on and so forth. I happened to spot the jeans my son was drooling over. He grabbed them and went sprinting off to the dressing room to try them on because they were one size bigger than what he wears. He comes back and throws them in the cart. He claims this is how they are wearing them big and baggy. OK who am I to deny my son a pair of designer jeans for $4.00? As of today, in the 90 degree weather, he is wearing them. He even had to try on his work boots with them to show me that they are suppose to bunch around his boots. Good thing is they actually fit his waist so I don't have to worry about droopy drawers. LOL. So one pair of jeans for school bought. LOL. YES!!!! I've started school shopping.

Well, I need to get going we are going to the movies to see "Despicable Me". Then we will meet my parents for dinner after for my son's birthday that was on Sunday. Look out Ryan's here we come.


  1. Your vehicle has autopilot when it comes to thrifts and HAD to pull in the parking lot!! Good haul!! And awesome on the jeans!! I ALWAYS check out the clothes--I scored a gorgeous patchwork long skirt (one of those wrinkled hippy-dippy kind) with the $59.99 price tags still on it for $6--a bit big but i just took the elastic in!

  2. I have started school shopping myself. Love the horse without the rockers. What are your plans?? Happy Birthday & have a wonderful time at Ryans.

  3. Ryans is a cool place to eat. because everyone can pick out
    what they want.
    My daughter who lives in Utah
    her birthday was yesterday 7-27

    Goodwill is right behind Ryans. ;=)


  4. Wowser, you did it again...look at those goodies! I think having your shopping buddy along was the best part...and look he found the perfect jeans, you need to take him along more often! Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. You found sound wonderful things at the GW. The post about your sons jeans sounds so familiar - my kids will get fixated on that one something everytime we go shopping. Have a Nice Day.

  6. I love your blog. You did great at goodwill. I can't wait to see what you do with the things you bought and your son sounds like a cutie pie, he got his jeans that is to funny, heck $4.00 you can't say NO to that!!!!!!

    Have a great day friend,


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