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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Projects Finished and Started

I've been trying to get some projects finished up since I have so many things I've bought from the thrift store and not done what I said I would. So I took the opportunity this weekend to work on some things. I worked for the most part, but in between and late into the night I got some things done.

First off was this baby... No this is not how I'm going to leave this. LOL. It looks great in my dining room now.

Next, were the molds I just bought that were unfinished. I would normally use a really dark stain walnut, but I like the warm richness of the chestnut for these.

Ok those are done. Now for the things I'm working on.

I started this sampler a few weeks ago and slowly, but surely I'm figuring it out. I put my peacocks too low so now I need to put something above them. This sampler is a combo of a bunch of free designs I've found on the web. I have been working on it at work.

Next my fall wheels are turning. Now sure I like it. Kinda not my style, but I was just trying to get some kind of mojo going in my head. It's not done of course because I ran into a wall trying to decide what other than coffee stain I want to do to it.

My son and my Dad like to go and watch trains. They go and sit along the tracks around here and just see how many trains they can see. My son came home with all these lovely treasures from one of his excursions. He thought I might like to decorate with them. Ummmmm, I'm drawing a blank. They are steel so there is no way I'm drilling holes in anything. So, I have no idea what to do with them. LOL. Any ideas???

Sorry this is short, but the landlord is coming to fix my bathroom counter top. I'm going to work on my sampler hopefully today if all goes right.


  1. It's all lookin good as usual.
    Lots of fun finds. Boy, now my wheels will be turning about railroad spikes. Interesting

  2. Hey--you're getting some of your UFO's (UnFinished objects) done too!! Love the molds-- and did you make the wax corn??

  3. Last fall I went to a festival where I seen railroad spikes painted black. The heads had scarecrow faces and snowmen facefaces painted on them. Maybe this will help. I just love your peg rails. Still trying to decide on my LVR.


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