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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't Hate Me Because...

I found all this great stuff for FREE!!!!

Steve took me to the closest Hobby Lobby which is about 40 minutes away on last Saturday. I finally got to see what all you girls are talking about. LOVE their fabric!!!! I did buy some of course. One of my dear friends and fellow blogger emailed me awhile back about making her some bonnets out of the same fabric I made my last customers out of. I told her I didn't have any and that the customer mailed it to me. So, while I was at Hobby Lobby I saw the same exact fabric purchased it and emailed her to see if she still was interested as I was having it cut. LOL. Anyway, I found tons that I liked. But you know I didn't really see any fall fabric. Maybe I'll have to check elsewhere.

Anyway back on track. We stopped at a few other places and decided to go home the "backway" as we like to call it. It isn't highway driving so we call it the back way. We were driving through a little town when we saw this old building that looked like an old gas station. There were some old shutters, a small, table, and some pieces of wood out on the tree lawn or devil strip as we call it. Normally, whenever anything is put out there it's for the trash and everyone assumes you are welcome to it. Steve and I both saw it at the same time. We whipped the car around and went back. We parked beside the building and noticed a huge pile of stuff in the front of it. There were no signs in the windows, looked as if it was a storage area of some type. Steve got out. OH you thought I was going to didn't you? I didn't want to look stupid. LOL. So he walks around looks in the building windows because the door was locked. He is just taking way to long... So I get out and he says there's a sign here that says FREE!!!! with a phone number. I make him call of course!!! The lady says she had to get her stuff out of the building and that everything in the pile to the left was free. What??? nothing is free anymore... So neither, me, Steve, or my son hesitated. We started going through the pile and loading up my truck. LOL. This is what it looked like when we pulled in to my home. I gave my son a seat. I did think twice and said we'd leave him there and come back for him later. LOL. Just kidding.

There are tons of wood shutters, trim and molding pieces, old drawers from cabinets, doors, from cabinets, table legs, just all sorts of junker goodness. I can't wait to transform this stuff.

My most prized piece is this enamel table top most likely from a Hoosier cabinet.

Steve got started right away. I wanted to wait to show you , but I can't... I'm not showing everything just the beginning... LOL.

And I used one of the drawers for this...

I also worked on this Saturday... Remember those bowls I bought a few posts back that I said I was going to paint them? Well I decided not to and stripped the wooden one. It was painted white. YUCK!!!! Anyway, I got out my trusty oven cleaner and went to work.

I think it's wonderful!!!

Well, I'm am off today and have lots to do. OH and starting Aug 1st... I am only working Sundays and Wednesdays on 24 hour shifts. That means more time to craft and create and blog. I found out this week. So at the most I will be working 3 days a week. I am so excited because I will now be working closer to home in Wooster, which is maybe 15 minutes away. Woohoo!!!!! Thanks again to all of you who read my ramblings. LOL.


  1. You really did find treasures. It will be fun to see what you do with them. Dianntha

  2. WOW! Did you ever find the mother load. Just think how many people probably just drove by all of that!
    Great Haul!!!

  3. You are offically the "Junk Queen"! A title that is held with high honor is my book!!
    I love what you are working on and I am also looking forward to see what you are going to make with your other "found" treasures.
    Tell me more about this oven cleaner that you use to get paint off. I have never heard of that. But it would be great to use on rounded surfaces like that bowl...those are so hard to sand.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. WOW, Mary!! Thank goodness for back roads! How lucky were YOU that day. Great treasures there, girl. I can't wait to see what you do with it all. I LOVE what you did with the drawer. Have a great day.

  5. My dear, you and Steve hit junkers paradise.

    Such good news about your job changes.

    looking forward to seeing all of your creations you do with the time you'll have now.


  6. Wow, Big,Big score for you,. Mary! Can't wait to see what you do with all those treasures. Great news about the job, too.

  7. You did awesome! I would have had to fight my husband to even turn around. lol And you transformations are looking good too. As for Hobby Lobby they do have great fabric but not so much for fall. They told me the plaids and stripes were for fall? My store is about an hour away so it is hard to go very much so I stock up when I can. Check out the Hobby Lobby website for coupons!

  8. I'm sorry but i am seething with jealous rage!! Just kidding!! wow you SCORED!!! I always peruse the sides of the road on trash days...LOLOLOL

    That hoosier top would be AWESOME attached to a prim cabinet--hint to Steve for you!!

  9. Geesh, what a load of great stuff. Love the shutters and pickets. I like what Steve is working on too...can't wait to see it all finished up!

  10. What a great haul!! Can I get some helpfl tips on the oven cleaner stripper. I tried it once and what a mess. Maybe I need a different brand or timing wasn't right.
    Can you help?
    angel 2 cook at aol dot com
    Thank you

  11. Hmmm you will be going to West View
    Manor now.
    As An RN I use to work at West View
    Manor. And we mostly used
    the ambulance service you work for.

    I can see you making a lot of great
    stuff out of all those freebees.


  12. Free is the best kind of shopping. Can't wait to see what you create with all of your treasures. I have an enamel table top that was my husband's grandmother's. She used to make carmel corn on it. I'd love to figure out something to do with it.

  13. Oh my gosh..You hit the mother load and FREE..Can't wait to see what you do with all of your treasurers..I mean Steve..LOL..Have a great week..

  14. Great job Mary....What a load of treasures.You would make the two guys on American Pickers proud!!!!! Can't wait to see what you do with all of it. I'm sure there will be more back roads in your futurre....Maureen

  15. Wow, what a find, the junk Gods were with you that day!!!! Love what you did with the drawer, looks perfect. Hobby Lobby,one of my favorite places to visit!

  16. Holy Moly what finds! And that kinda deal! And I would like to know about oven cleaner for stripping too!

  17. Oh my what a batch of treasures you have found and carted home :>)! Nope I can't "hate you", but boy I am very jealous, I want to come spend a day traveling the back roads with you! Get busy and be creative, I can't wait to see the results! Have a great week!


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