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Monday, July 19, 2010

My Vacation Treasures...

While on vacation of course I made some time for us to go to the antique stores in Wheeling. There were 3 or 4 within a block of each other. Some were high priced some just junk. I now have certain things I am looking for. I would like some old baskets, of course pewter, and coverlets. Oh and let's not forget wood bowls too. The first antique store was pretty big and I only had 1/2 hour on the parking meter. Talk about some power shopping. LOL. I'm sure I missed a ton. Steve and my son were looking around in this far back room when Steve tells me to come back where he is. He's like look at this...

My heart skipped a beat. Then reality slapped me in the face. Ummmm... how much is this beauty??? I'm sure way out of my reach. So I cautiously turned over the tag that read woven blanket $28.00. WHAT!!!!???!!! HELLO seriously????? What's wrong with it???!!! Steve and I unfolded it. Alright typical male answer... "There is something wrong in the middle. Like it's been folded for awhile." NO that's suppose to be there it's a center seam still perfectly intact. No holes rips or stains smells like wool. This thing is in pristine condition!!!! I hang on for dear life to it and take it to the register. She is writing up my receipt when I see she's deducting something off. She gave me 20% off too. I ended up paying something like $24.80 with tax! WOOHOO!!!!!

Other than that after we came home on Wednesday Steve and I had to run to the town where he lives so he could pay his bills. He then took me to the antique/thrift store, two prim shops, and one of my favorite candle stores that just opened a shop Kinfolk Candles. I won't bore you with the details I'll just show you pics of my awesome finds.

Flour sacks are my new obsession...

Blue striped linen towel...

The coffee can and the grey enamel strainer.

The salt bag and the corn mold that I've wanted forever.

Some kind of wood mold that I'm going to stain.

The second set of boxes. If you'll remember I bought these same ones without the chickens on it a few weeks back.

I'm going to be painting the candle holder and staining the mold(?)

Not sure what this is, but Steve had to have it because it was made in Yugoslavia. LOL

My new pewter plate I got for $.30.

I also hit the junk jackpot on Saturday. I'll show you that on Thursday. I am sooooo psyched. Steve and I will be busy for a long time. He said pretty soon we're going to have to open a prim shop. LOL.

I have been tweaking my dining room into more of what I envisioned it to be. I will post pics soon. Although you see some of the chnages in my pics above. Right now I am at a stopping point because I'm stumped on some things. I've been sending pics to my ex-SIL for help. Imagine that me out of ideas. LOL. Anyway, as always thanks for stopping by!


  1. okay okay.. you have got to tell us the name of the shop where you got all the goodies!!!
    its all good stuff!!! :)
    glad to hear you have fun at oglebay..... would love to get there one of these days.

  2. ooooo-LOVE the coverlet--that was a STEAL!!
    Maybe you SHOULD open a shop!!!

  3. I'm going shopping with you! Wow, fantastic finds and what a bargain with the throw.


  4. Oh what fun, and you made some wonderful buys! It looks like you truly enjoyed your vacation. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Great finds!! Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! :)

  6. WOW! You got really lucky with that coverlet! What a great deal. I'm happy that you had a fun day and found some really great treasures.


  7. Girl, you hit the mother load!
    nice finds

  8. Oh BOY you got some real awesome treasures. Now if I could only be so lucky...LOL

    Can't for Thursday now...suspence :)


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