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Monday, August 23, 2010

Is the Weekend Over Already???

Shew!!!! I feel like this weekend went way too fast. Steve actually came over Saturday and stayed all day. He vowed he was going to hang my new/old light, finish my TV stand he started last Christmas, and make my footstool for my chair. Well, two out of three ain't bad. He didn't even touch my TV stand because it started raining and he couldn't work on it with the tools outside. I guess I'll forgive him because he did make some other things for me. While he was busy I was busy inside. I made a promise that while I was working my 24 hour shifts I would try to strip the wallpaper border off of my kitchen walls. OK strip just the paper backing because the top part pulled off some time ago. So bright and early... OK 9am I got my hot water and white vinegar together and went to town stripping the backing. YES... this is going way to easy... It's like 11 AM and I was done!!!! Or so I thought. :( I knew it wouldn't be this easy. While I was scraping some of the left over off I thought why is there still a freaking line around the top of my wall. Wait a minute I think I gouged the wall in a place so I better check it. UMMMMM.... NOOOOOO someone painted over top another border paper backing. WHAT????? SERIOUSLY!!!! So now I have another border to scrap off. And of course this one has paint over top so my water and vinegar doesn't penetrate and I can't find my little tool that has the teeth that you lightly poke holes in the border to let the water through. GRRRRR...... I hate rentals!!!!! LOL. So back to work I went scrapping and cursing. LOL. Steve felt sorry for me and helped me after he told me to just scrape where it was noticeable and we'd paint over it again. That worked fine until I'd get to a corner and the border would tear around the corner and look terrible so I had to scrape that wall. Needless to say the whole room got done. Dang it Mike Holmes from "Holmes on Homes" (HGTV) he says if you're gonna do it, do it right the first time. So here is the kitchen now...

I thought my walls were white... nope they are a very light grey. You can see where someone painted over the border.

Since I was working on that... the first project Steve did was the new/old light. Can you tell it's an old funnel? Rose from the prim shop asked me what I was gonna use the funnel for the other day when I bought it. I told her a light, not quite sure she believed me. LOL.

Then Steve worked on my foot stool for my make do chair. I finished that up Saturday night. The base is another free item. It was a bar stool. Steve just cut some plywood attached it and painted it black. It works perfect. Now I just need to make the cushion today.

Here's a little decorating I did before the footstool was done.

Then Steve made these gameboards. I still need to distress them and stain them. He did these with no stencils. LOVE them!!!!

I need to fix the smudge on this one... nothing a little sanding won't cure.

Now today and yesterday I am paying for working so hard. My upper back and shoulder are killing me. I am thinking I am just going to have to face that this is fibromyalgia now that I'm dealing with. Anyway, I am off again to Berlin tomorrow with Rose, hopefully Stacie, and some other ladies that Rose knows. It will be so much fun. I can't wait!!!!


  1. Is there anything you can't do Ms. Mary? I sure like all the changes you've made and the wonderful projects completed or still underway! That funnel light is so awesome!!!
    Hope you have a great day with your friends.

    PS-Mike Holmes is my HERO! My hub has the same motto.....

  2. Hey ya Mary!! I love your funnel light idea! Your light is Perfect.I also love the style of the foot stool.
    I'm feeling for you today ...You are amazing with coping and doing girl!
    My best to you~

  3. A funnel for a light! What a clever idea! I never would have thought of using it for that. Gives me an idea for my kitchen.LOL. Very nice.

    Gen @ Olde Pear Primitives

  4. What a weekend you had! Steve did a wonderful job on those gameboards! You relax today and enjoy all your new goodies!

  5. I am loving your new/old light! What a great idea and it looks great!! Stripping wallpaper is never an easy job, but it looks so much better after, can't wait to see what you do with your kitchen!! Steve is such a great guy,and a great carpenter!! Hope your having a great start to your week!:0)~hugs~Wendy

  6. Oh Mary I sure love that light. Your chair and stool are wonderful. I will never ever use wall paper or boarders ever again. I had such a time removing all that stuff. I like paint and painted stenciling much better. I hope you are feeling much better today. Have a great time with your friends!

  7. Have fun with your friends, I am jealous ;-D, but I still want you to have fun! I love the funnel light, how clever it is! UGH on the stripping wall paper, especially if someone painted over it, a quick fix for someone, but not quick for you to undo! Have a great week, hopefully you can find something to ease your aches!

  8. Hi Mary, so sorry about that extra border surprise. Looks like you took care of it well.
    I love everything you have done so far. The funnel light ROCKS! What a great idea! I'm sure that lots of us are going to copy you! LOL!
    Have a great week!


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