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Friday, August 27, 2010

Make Do Chair DONE!

After shopping all day Tuesday, working a 24 hour shift Wednesday to Thursday and being up all night Wednesday, a job interview Thursday morning, and then working another 8 hours after the interview I was pooped. I came home last night sat on the couch and vegged before falling asleep at 9:30. I am still trying to catch up on sleep this morning. I got up with my kids for school and then fell asleep on the couch again until 9:30. So why am I still tired. LOL.

Finally, I got my shower this morning and then decided to stuff my cushion for my make do chair to finish it up. I decided to stuff it with wood shavings and saw dust. Holy Moley is it heavy!

I wanted it to look like a quilted cushion so I ACTUALLY cut some of my fabric in my stash and made a mini quilt. I had an old cutter quilt that I was going to cut to make it but I couldn't cut a square big enough to make it look right since it was a log cabin style. I have other plans for that now.

I also finished up some gameboards Steve made for me. He did the dartboard and tic tac toe boards with no stencils. He then of course had to hang them without asking me where I wanted them. I have a Chinese Checker board in progress still. My wall is getting there!!!!

I forgot my camera when I went shopping Tuesday with all my friends. We all had a great time!!! Pam, Rose, Stacie, and myself all went to Berlin (Amish Country). We browsed through some shops had a fabulous lunch. I ordered some sweet potato fries that had the MOST amazing dip. At first I couldn't figure out what it is. Everyone at our table of course had to try them to figure it out. We for the most part decided it was cream cheese and cinnamon but there was something else. So we finally asked and here they had maple flavoring, cinnamon, cream cheese, and I think that was it. It was to die for. Then the people at the table behind us saw it and heard us talking about it. So they too ordered it and Pam saw the guy taking his finger and licking out the bottom of the cup to get the last of it. LOL. We ended our day at the thrift shops. Pam is the best thrift shopper. She puts me to shame. LOL. This lady can figure out how to make just about any craft she sees. She is the queen of redos. So I have labeled her my craft advisor. She will be teaching the rest of us on Tuesday Sept 21st how to make grungy jars. Any of you who want to come you are welcome too.

Anyway, at the last thrift stop Rose yells for me saying she found something for me. She walks over with these huge candles. She said "I thought you could use these." "Ummmm Rose what in the world would I do with those." LOL. She shrugs her shoulders and says "Put them on a peg?" Ahhhh NO I think I'll pass.

Sorry phone pic...She is holding the candles look how huge they were!!!! If you did buy them I guess they wouldn't burn down very fast. Not sure I have a candle holder to put them in either. LOL Thanks Rose for being a good sport so I could take the picture. And that's Pam on the left. Stacie needed to get home so she had already left. But next time I will take more pics of everyone.

Pam and I have known each other for a long time since she used to work at one of the prim shops I go to. We lost touch when she quit. However, I still heard what she was up to through my friends Rose. So on Tuesday it was so awesome to see her again. We all hugged and we picked up like we have talked everyday. There was never a moment of silence. One of these days I'm going to her home to take pics to post on here. We already discussed it. Then maybe she will do a tutorial on one of her items and I'll post it here. Hint hint Pam! Anyway, she gave me this great candle jar. Thank you again Pam. I have been eye balling these forever!!! It's hard to see but there is a wrought iron candle holder that hooks on the edge of the jar inside.

Well, off to rearrange again. I sold my black candle stand on Tuesday to Stacie and her boyfriend. I had all my cookbooks in the bottom so I need to find something else to put them in. My dining room now has a partially empty wall. LOL. Hmmmm... hey Steve I think I want a .... LOL.


  1. I am in total love with your makedo chair!!! Excellent job!
    Sounds like a fun shopping trip!
    That jar candle is cool!

  2. WHOO HOOO< I love your chair that you made over. It came out prim perfect!!!

    I love to see your shopping trip, thanks for sharing!

    What eles are you going to makeover, LOL, LOL!!!

    Blessings friend,

  3. Hi Mary! You sound so happy in your post. That's awesome! Sounds like you girls day out was really a fun time.

    Your make-do chair is just glorious! I'll take two of thsoe, please! :o)

    And Steve is pretty awesome too, making those gameboards and painting without a stencil! How does he do that?

    Have a great weekend!

  4. You done good!! I love the cushion you added too - a nice touch!

    Isn't it fun to spend the day shopping with friends??

    Have a great weekend Mary!

  5. Your chair is great! Way to go! Little candle holder in the jar is sweet. Shopping trips sounds so exciting. Glad you had a fun day. Those candles were really big. I have never seen any that big. Blessings!

  6. You made a simply beautiful make-do chair. The cushion is perfection! i love the calico colors you chose and the idea to stuff with chips and dust.
    The contents of that dip has my mouth watering. I never thought to make a sweet dip for those fries...thanks so much for passing it along.
    Please get some rest girl!.Please take care.

  7. I always thought it was peanut butter
    they put in that dip! So it is the
    maple flavoring I am tasting.

    The Farmstead Resturant is a great
    place to eat at.

    Wooster OH

  8. Girl, the chair is awesome! I can only imagine the seat pad stuffed with sawdust what that must feel like. Cool idea though. Looks like you had a fun time. I miss being close to Berlin. I'm hoping to get there soon for a little fun and exploring. T


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