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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Sampler and a Another Painted Room

Sheesh I get so behind on my blog when I'm busy. Let's see I've gone to Goodwill twice, finished my sampler I started a long time ago, and painted the living room since Friday. So now my entire downstairs is completely repainted and ready for decorating. I have an idea of what I want in my kitchen, but I'm not going to share that with you just yet. LOL. I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish it.

Anyway, my sampler... other than being crooked and the fact I can't count it is done. I think I can live with it as long as it is in my dining room where I don't see it everyday. I am just so critical of myself. LOL. I'm just deciding whether or not to coffee stain it. And I need a frame and I want to frame it correctly. If I've read correctly you are to use acid free paper behind it and put it under glass too. Not too sure though maybe I need to research a little more.

Then of course we (I) wanted to paint the kitchen. It is Winter Wheat from Lowe's. It is a dark tan color. Not sure this is the best pick for the kitchen, but it doesn't make my ugly 70s dark brown plastic cupboards stand out. Can't paint them since this is a rental. Oh well... Steve and I are trying to figure out how to change the backsplash without having to take down the old and still have the original one there when I leave. We have a few ideas, but not sure they will work. Steve left me to paint Sunday so he could go help his parents. Let's just say I wore more of the paint I think then what's on the walls.

Like I said I made two trips to Goodwill this weekend because I saw the cutest crocheting pattern for baby shoes and told my Mom. Well, she asked me if I bought it. No I didn't so I had to go back. LOL. But on my return trip I found a few other things.

Hmmm... seems to me I heard something about a toothbrush rug awhile back. Seems interesting though there will be NO heart rugs in this home. I'll just make an oval one. LOL

A jar with the wick part in it all ready to grunge for a light.

My new $.50 HEAVY corner shelf.

How about a $.99 tea stained quilted square?

Loved the middle two cross stitch books with quilt square looking things. And a quilt pattern for a new tree skirt. Yeah yeah don't get your hopes up that I'll have it done for this Christmas. LOL

I got a few more things like a big quilting hoop and two candle holders that look like wood bobbins. I forgot to take pics.

Well, I go back to my old position tomorrow. Working 3 14 hour days a week. I was offered another job today at a hospital, but had to turn it down due to it only being 24 hours a week. In order for me to make ends meet I'd have to work 3 jobs totalling 58 hours a week. That would cut into my crafting time! I can't give up that time. It's my relaxation. For those who follow my blog you know that I posted if I was married and wasn't the sole provider I would've taken the job. Then you also remember that Steve offered to go to Vegas this weekend to get hitched. I thought I'd re post that so those of you who read my blog could get a laugh out of that. LOL... There will be NO Vegas weddings anytime soon. Hawaii MAYBE... LOL.


  1. Hi Mary! I love your kitchen color! And I love the goodies you found! That corner shelf looks awesome and must be very well made to be so heavy.
    I think that was sweet of Steve to hint about getting married. He sounds like a keeper to me, but I can understand your side of it as well.
    I hope you have a great week!

  2. Love the wheat color and I am anxious to see what you do in the kitchen. I recently saw on another blog - not a prim one - that they used hot glue to stick the thin beadboard to their backsplash in a rental. Not bad!

    Good for you holding out for Hawaii! LOL

    The acid free stuff is good if you plan on it lasting hundreds of years, but if you stain the sampler, don't waste the money on acid free stuff since the stain would do more harm over time.

  3. Blessed BE You are ~EXTRAORDINARY MARY!* I want to be you, whenever i do grow up!

  4. Love the new paint color! I think it's fab!!
    You had a good trip to GW, that's for sure! :) Those were some great finds.

    Stick to your guns on the Hawaii thing! :):):):)

    Take care, my friend-

  5. Mary,
    your sampler turned out great. I prefer not to use glass so I don't worry about acid free paper, that's just me, though. Love your kitchen paint, awesome color and I can't wait to see it all primmed up. You found some great stuff at the TS, I'm staying away for awhile til I catch up, lol.

  6. Well I think your sampler is fabulous!!
    The kitchen paint color looks pretty!
    I understand the marriage thing took me years before I wanted to even consider marriage after my divorce. Hawaii does sound nice though! :)

  7. Mary, your sampler is beautiful! I love it.

  8. Mary, you are a riot, I so enjoy reading your blog. Talents galore, shopping always brings interesting items, and I LOVE your kitchen color! You make it look so good, when you tell us it doesn't LOL!! Will you wear a grass skirt at that wedding in Hawaii? Later girl, have a good week!

  9. I love that sampler and the colors you used on it, beautiful!

    My walls are about the same color as yours, maybe just a tad lighter. But this is the color used in most of my home and I really like it. Which is probably why I do most of my re-do's in black instead of browns.

    How sweet that Steve is ready to get hitched. It's so hard to find a good man, I'm glad you have him.


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