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Friday, September 3, 2010

Decorating and Shopping Goodies

I am still getting used to my old shift since I went back to it on Tuesday. It makes for a very long day sitting in a truck for 11 1/2 hours of my 14 hour shift. UGGGHHH.. Then the boss wanted to know why I seemed upset when he saw me. UHHHH HELLOOO you cheated me out of a shift change. He acted is if nothing happened. I just wanted to slap him silly. I worked Tuesday and Wednesday and was off yesterday and today. Yesterday I did a little decorating in the kitchen. YEAH yeah I know I haven't finished the living room yet. I am still riding the fence about what to do over the couch. So anyway, here are few displays so far.

As for the rest of the kitchen I am measuring and thinking. I will need Steve's help for the rest. Today he is off. Yesterday he was off too because he got another kidney stone. He needs to go to the doctor but he has no insurance. With every stone he gets they get bigger and bigger.

I got to thinking I never showed you what I got on my shopping trip with my friends.

I got a yard of this great linen. It was only $4.99. The two edges are already hemmed I just need to hem the short sides and my table runner is done.

Then I found this great fabric. If you click on the picture you can enlarge it to see. It is sampler pattern on it. I think I'm going to try to use it as a pattern and actually stitch a few of them on cloth.

Love this plate. Polka Dots!!! It was 50% off.

Then this little quilt was on sale for $4.00. It'll look great in my dining room.

The next thing I found at Goodwill and forgot to show you. A different game board. A little satin and I will be set.

Then last night while Steve was trying to pass his kidney stone I started another cross stitch I found on line for FREE. I'm not using the color chart they recommend I'm doing my own.

Today we shall see what I get into. LOL. I have an urge to do a make over. Though it might rain today so no painting outside. BUT I have a few projects I could do inside. Until next time.


  1. Sitting in a truck for 11 1/2 hours...I have no concept of
    Everything looks great and I hope Steve is better soon.
    Any way to stop the stones??? Dianntha

  2. Bless your heart! I don't know if I could sit in a truck that long. That sounds like cruel & inhumane treatment! You are such a trooper!

    Love all your tweaking and displays and your awesome new prim goodies! That sampler fabric is really neat! Never saw anything like that before.

    Your stitchery is looking great too!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


    P.S. I hope Steve is feeling better soon.

  3. Aren't managers great? Like he doesn't care he screwed up and almost cost you a job. Bless you for what you do, your job is not an easy one and sittin in a truck like that cannot be good for your back issues.
    Of course you know I love your decorating, you do such a great job, where do you get all your inspiration from?
    Hope Steve is feeling better today, my Steve has not been feeling good the last several days, I think he may have a stomach bug or salimanela? poor guy was doubled over in pain last night.
    Hope you have a great weekend my friend!!:0)

  4. Your displays look wonderful! I am in love with your Autumn cross stitch and I love the colors you picked!
    Hope Steve feels better soon, that is painful!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. I am sure it will come to you as what to do in the LVR & it will be great too! Maybe your boss could be a bit understanding if he watched the show under cover boss??

  6. All of your displays are great! Whatever you're planning....I know will be good!

    Bless Steve's heart! Kidney stones are probably one of the worst things I've ever had....and I've had them 3 different times. Definitely no fun! Hope he's better soon!

    Have a great weekend, Mary!

  7. hoping steve is doing better!
    the hours and sitting in the truck are crappy! do you have to physically be in the truck that long? my sister works on the MICU for genesis(zanesville). if they dont have a run they are in the ER.
    love the makeover and you got some great goodies!!!
    off to read about your couch.... :)

  8. How about the next time you are on a shopping run, you come by and pick me up ;>), I am so envious! Take care of your back, you have better things to do, like makeovers and taking care of Steve with the Kidney Stones (OUCH)! Have a great week!


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