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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Flea/Antique Finds and Redecorating

This past weekend was my weekend to work so on my days off I tried to get things done. Lets see I believe I went to the flea market/antique store on Friday. Yes Yes it was because my daughter came down with a cold and stayed home from school. Then while I was at the flea market the middle school called me to tell me my son had been stung by a bee twice on his finger and that I needed to bring some Benedryl for him. His poor finger was swollen up huge and they had him put ice on it. He isn't allergic to bees thankfully. He told me later that he had a hard time staying awake after I gave him Benedryl. LOL. Nothing like drugging your kid.

So anyway... I got some great stuff at the flea market. They finally got some new vendors. For awhile there I didn't find anything. It was the same stuff all the time. Anyway, I found my solution to the wall over my couch. It did look like this... I'm not a big white fan.

After... With my redware plates on it will be just what I want. Now if only Steve would hang it for me.

I keep seeing this green glass decanters or whatever they are in the magazines many of the people have them in their "tavern" rooms. I thought this was close enough looking and for $3.00 SOLD. Now if I could only find some pewter goblets to go with it.

Then I found this little oil lamp. I just LOVE these because you can tuck them anywhere and they are cheap. Don't worry keep reading I will show you where I put it at the end of the post.

This brown stone bowl was rather cheap too.

How about a $5.00 crock? It has a crack, but I don't care I just turn it around.

Next I found this chair pad. I don't think it is old, but I like the colors. I have it outside drying because I washed and man it was dirty. Yuck...

Ok then Sunday I got the the make over bug...

One of my bowls drying... I may have to go over it again as it looks blotchy.

Then my $.50 corner shelf.

Of course since I was redecorating my kitchen I decided I needed some garlands to hang. So I made a dried apple and cinnamon stick and a rosehip and cinnamon stick one.

And of course you want to see where I put it right? On the door of this display. I forgot this isn't the photo with my brownstone bowl sitting on top of this display. And down the left corner is my lamp.

Well off to get some things done on my day off. I need to get to the glass shop for glass to put in my frames, a massage, and then a meeting with the school to talk about my daughters IEP.


  1. Looks like a fun weekend. I have been to many a garage and yard sale but never a flea market. I would like to do that sometime. Love the lamp. Have a great day. Julie

  2. That glass decanter/bottle are like the ones I've seen at Williamsburg Winery in Williamsburg, VA. I should have bought one while I was there and have regretted not doing it. The people there explained that the bottom is fat to keep it from shifting and sliding on the tables for when they were on ships. There is a name for them but I can't remember what it was. Love all of your finds and your displays are inspiring.
    Blessings on all that is going on with you

  3. Mary, great finds! I love that wall shelf! It definitely looks better black. You always find the best stuff!

    Have a great week!

  4. Mary,
    you always find the best stuff and do the greatest makeovers. great score.

  5. You found some really great treasures. I can not wait to see your shelf hung.

  6. Fun finds and makeovers. Tell Steve to get on the stick and hang that awesome shelf! (then show us the pics!)
    Hope all is well-

  7. you are always findng the good stuff!!! :)
    love the garland you made. its perfect for fall. um, we need directions. :)
    cant wait to see the shelf with redware on it.


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