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Monday, September 13, 2010

Some New Finishes

I haven't done much since my last post because my daughter,who was sick last week, decided to share the wealth. Actually it was my allergies to ragweed decided to kick in. The pollen counts were astronomical last week. Then my boss sent my self and my partner to cover the Jr. High football game, which is a field totally surrounded by weeds especially ragweed. As of today, I can smell and taste some what too. My cough sounds like I'm trying to cough up a lung. LOL. Yesterday I was feeling spry so I decided to get some things done.

While Steve was cleaning out my garage of his stuff so that he could finish my TV cabinet. His plumbing junk that sometimes he brings to my place and leaves it if he has another job coming up near me. Then I felt guilty because most of it is MY stuff. So I went out and went through some things. I have decided to pull all the items off my selling website and sell them at a yard sale. So, if you are still deciding on anything you had better let me know. Friday will be the last day. Im open to offers. After I take the stuff down I will then begin to make things to sell on the Mercantile.

I just remembered I went to Goodwill, before I got sick, the other day and bought two things. And yesterday I went back to drop some things off I had found in the garage. I'm trying to weed things out finally. But back to what I was saying I found some things I forgot about and decided to start doing some makeovers.

My newest Goodwill items...

Really not my style. Plastic flowers!!!!

You can never have enough Indian corn for fall in my opinion.


Repainted with some thrift store paint. LOL So this one is really a good deal at $1.50.

Now on to my other redos.

I finally got Steve to hang it last night. I am still trying to dig out my redware plates, but I also want to put some fall goodies up there too.

My $2.00 frame and my no glare glass. This will be hung to the left of my black shelf. The frame is weird that we have to figure out how we are going to hang it.

I bought these awhile back and they were white. You all know my feeling on white. LOL. So Steve took them and spray painted them black. These too will be in my living room opposite of the black shelf above my TV cabinet when I get done painting it.

Lastly, I bought these candle holder boxes a LONG time ago to paint. I dug them out and decided to paint them since I was humming along. These will be listed on my selling blog after Friday.

I have one more project started, but I'm not going to show it until after it's done. I now can get to my fall stuff so I plan on decorating this week for fall. The kids and I are going to the county fair today. Should be a nice day. Until next time.


  1. great post!!!
    i love decorating for Fall!! the redware rack turned out great!!
    our fair is this week too.
    i want to find some bittersweet to add to my shelves.

  2. Hey Mary, sure hope you are feeling better today. Nothing is worse than suffering with allergies! Your re-do's and treasure finds are awesome as usual.
    Wishing you a wonderful week~

  3. Hi Mary! Your redware looks great on the wall shelf! It really pops!

    I love indian corn too and almost everything esle that goes with Fall.

    The mirrors turned out great. I have an old one in my livingroom that I got from Goodwill for $2.00 a couple of years ago. It's really old and looks so prim.

    Have a happy week!

  4. Everything looks beautiful. Great findings!

  5. Your redware shelf looks great above the sofa, Love your sampler too!

  6. Algeries are the pits...and they sure can make a mess of things! I love what you are showing us (of course you know this), your sampler is sweet, the frame looks fine to me! Oh boy that *shelf with the RedWare* OH YES!Have a great week!

  7. Allergies are the worst aren't they?! I was so overcome with them on saturday, poor hubby had to redo the diningroom project all by himself because they were so bad! Lovin all your redo's and I love the new shelving behind the couch! Hope oyur having a great start to your week my friend!!:0)

  8. Love the shelf with the Redware!! Perfect! And the sampler is gorgeous!! I love seeing what you have done, you are one busy lady!


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