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Monday, August 9, 2010

Time to post...

I am home after a very long 24 hour shift at work yesterday. Please excuse me if I forget words or I just sound like I'm falling asleep. LOL. ZZzzzzzz... Snort. Sorry dozing off. I have taken my shower and had two cups of coffee since coming home at 7:30 this morning and I am bound and determined to get some decorating done. So before I dig into that I said I would share with you what I got over the weekend.

Like I said I met some wonderful ladies from A Primitive Journey proboards in Berlin Ohio. This is an Amish settlement about 45 minutes away from where I live. I only get down there a few times a year. I happened to see on Facebook that they were having a prim gathering and since I haven't been out with "girlfriends" in a long time I decided I would go. Let me just tell you they opened up their arms and welcomed me like they had known me forever. These gals were the best! I even ran into a "friend" I had met on Prim Mart before my whole divorce thing. She happened to be with the group of ladies. Anyway, long story short... I had a wonderful time and if any of you are reading this Thank You so much for everything.

So of course I have my favorite shops. I know which ones to hit and the ones to skip. LOL. I can power shop like the best of them.

Shop #1...

Can you believe $13.99??!!?? I now have three doesn't that constitute a collection??? LOL

Everything in the below picture was 50% off!!!!!!

OK I also bought the next two Judy Condon books that I forgot to take a picture of because they are in my bag I take to work.

Store number 2 and 3...

You all know my new obsession CHEAP coverlets. The blue one in the middle is a remnant of and old coverlet. I LOVE LOVE LOVE oh did I say LOVE the blue ones? The other two I thought would look awesome in my living room.

I did leave a bit early when the rest of the group wanted to go to a neighboring town as my low back pain was kicking in from all the walking. I felt bad. I said my goodbyes and gave huge hugs and home I came.

As you all know from yesterday we painted my living room. I came home this morning to find Steve had rearranged some of the furniture yesterday while he was here with my kids. So take a good look and we will see how much of the furniture will stay in that place. During this decorating extravaganza we will periodically refer back to these pictures as a reference. LOL. I have already spoke to Steve and I will be selling some of the furniture he made me due to space constraints. He is OK with it. For now I will show you how he sees my living room. LOL.

The table under the TV is for sale. I will be scraping the white cabinet and repainting it. What color you might ask? I have NO idea. LOL. But it will come to me.

My son popping bubble wrap from my plate I bought over the weekend. LOL And "Mr. Fishy" the only pet we are allowed will be staying in his place of honor. Ummm... yea the fish that won't die. My son won it from a carnival last year. You know how most die in a day or two. Not this one!!! LOL.

OK everyone, for those who have blogs I did a lot of reading yesterday at work. I may not have posted, but believe me I read it!. It seems I've been gone forever. LOL. Back to the grind of decorating... Oh please give me a pity party. NOT!!!!! You all know I LOVE to do it.


  1. I really wanted to go to the prim gathering and be a part of that. So glad you got out with some girls and shopped and visited. I crave that sometimes. I'm liking the new color.

  2. How cool that you were able to attend the Prim Gathering! You got some great goodies! I love the Betty Lamp in the first pic, I think that's what it's called?
    I really love the new paint color in your living room! It is so warm! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. Hi Mary!

    I love your new goodies, especially the coverlet pieces! My favorites are the old ones too. Looks like your's have very vibrant colors still. What nice finds!

    Looking froward to seeing more of your livingroom re-do. The paint looks great!

    Have a happy week!

  4. Sounds like you had tons of fun with the ladies :) And you got some really awesome pieces. I also seem to have a thing for coverlets. Oh boy could I ever buy them all but I must restrain myself...LOL.

    I am looking forward to see the living room all set up. I know it will look awesome!

  5. I'm a lil outta the bloggin' loop but decided today to sit down and do some catchin' up and your blog was one of my MUST stop firsts ....
    You sure scored some awesome goodies !!!! Love the overlet pieces ! and that lamp wow wow wow loveeee it !!!! I think thats sooo cool you got to go to the gathering ! We have one in the works for next year on the Prim Pals forum and I believe it is set for Berlin as well...K I'm off to read some of your previous posts and catch up a lil...Hope your week is off to a Primtastic start !
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  6. I like the paint color. I can imagine the prim perfect plan you are cooking up in your mind for this room. I think its great you dont let renting hold you back from creating such a beautiful cozy home for your childen & you. The fishey is part of the family now! It must stay. So nice you found a prim friend. No one around me is into the priitives. I seem to be in the wrong time error. Its me & I am happy in my own little time error.

  7. Hi to your comment about whether 3 constitutes a collection??.....Well as far as I am concernd 1 is the START of a with 3 you are well on your way!!!

    I don't know how much faith you can put into my revolation though??? you know I have a serious collecting problem myself....hee hee!!!


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