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Sunday, August 8, 2010

What I've Been Up To...

Geez everyone I've haven't posted in so long. I've been trying to adjust to my new work schedule over last week. Then in between I've been working on my make do chair and finishing up customer orders. Then yesterday I met some fabulous ladies from A Primitive Journey proboards in Berlin Ohio. I had so much fun talking with and shopping with them. I'll show you my finds this week. Right now I'm at work as I type this on Steve's laptop.

I have been wanting to paint my living room. So this week Steve and I went Lowe's and I broke down and picked my paint. I just kept standing there looking at the historical colors. I just couldn't decide. Well I finally decided on Caramel.

So I went from this... why does it seem like a lot of stuff when you put it in another room? lol

To this....

A blank slate to start over. Yippeee!!!! So stay tuned to see what I decide.

Funny story...

Today I am at work with a girl I've never run with before. She was looking at her phone and said you gotta see what my boyfriend did in my living room. He hung these pictures over the couch. She shows me her phone and lo and behold a Johnston Benchwork couch with a George Washington and Abe Lincoln pictures hung above. I'm like nu uh. LOL I started laughing pulled my Judy Condon books out and said I decorate the same way. So she took my books and is looking through them right now. Then I showed her my premier issue of A Primitive Place. She is in heaven. She said she just started decorating this way. Today is gonna be a great day!!!!!!

Here's the picture... Stacie was kind enough to let me post this...


  1. It looks wonderful! I know its always hard to choose colors...Im glad you had fun with all the girls..they all said they had a wonderful time! :)

  2. What a difference that warm color is going to make with your treasures!!

    That is too funny about the girl at work!! A new prim friend!!

  3. Love the new color and I can't answer the mystery question as to why things seem to multiply once you take them down and place them in another room!
    I'm loving the Benchworks sofa!

  4. Mary,
    I love the new color, just perfect to start your prim magic with. I'm so happy your found a prim friend from work. Can't wait to see what you do with your LR. Your get together in Berlin sounds like it was fun.

  5. Oh Mary I do love the new color... Carmel looks wonderful and I can only imagine how great it will look with you prim touches! Meant to be that you are working with a gal that has your same interests, lots to talk about and bouncing ideas off of each go girl! Have a great week!

  6. I can't wait to see the living room done. If it's anything like the dining room, it's going to look fab ;)

    Funny how we don't know the one's closest to us. I think you are going to have yourself a new best friend...LOL.

    And did you say that you have your APP magazine??? Lucky you!!! I'll probably be one of the last since I live in the East End of Canada ;)

  7. Love the new color Mary. I can;t wait to see what you do with the room. I'm sure it will be primtastic!!!!! Glad you found a new prim friend...Hope she will be a bright spot in your work schedule and I'm sure you will be a bright spot in hers..It will be great to just trade ideas with one another..Looking forward to your next post. Have a great week....Maureen

  8. Love the new paintwork!!...and it sounds like you've made yourself a new friend...who knows maybe you'll have a new shopping buddy too??...Chris x


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