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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Makeover, Decorating, and More

I'll start out with some decorating. I think I'm done for now. I'm still debating about the fall tree. Thanks to all my readers you emailed me to help me out. I would like to also thank those left comments. I would like to reply to every comment, but some of you have your email blocked. Anyway, I have decided if I attempt to make a tree I will be spray painting one brown. I have a ton of smaller trees in my stash for Christmas.

Anyway, here's a few pics...

I'm not thrilled with the top of the cabinet. I'm still thinking on that.

The makeover... I had this plate in my Christmas stuff. I haven't put it out in years and actually had it in my get rid of pile. LOL. So of course I pulled it out and went to town. I almost forgot to take a before picture as you can tell.

This pic doesn't do it justice... I used burgundy, black and mustard. I'll try to take a better picture and post it tomorrow.

Lastly, I thought I'd show you the fleece my daughter is using for the tie blankets. It is so awesome. The front and back are cut and waiting on her to cut the fringe and tie them up.

I haven't gotten anymore done as I've had a lot on my mind. Yesterday was my birthday. I took the day off from work, but decided to teach. So basically I am double dipping. LOL. I got paid from work and from teaching. Today I am going to my friend Pam's house to craft the day away with my other friends Rose and Stacie. Today we are making grungy jars. I printed up a few labels that I'm going to take with me to share with the others. I'm taking a camera along hopefully to get some pics to share with all of you tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    How beautiful everything looks at the Gettysburg Homestead. I love your cabinet. It is exquisite.

    Your plate, I can't wait to see the finished look. It looks so awesome. Isn't is amazing what a little paint and our imagination can do?

    Your daughters blankets are going to be so beautiful.I love the print. I haven't seen fleece that gorgeous.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. I love your fall home, you always decorate it so nicely. I love it and your blog, it gives me great ideas!!!!

    Prim Blessings,

  3. Mary your decorating looks wonderful as usual. Happy late b-day too!
    Take care~

  4. Happy belated Birthday!!

    I always love seeing your photos.
    You decorate your home prim perfectly!

    Thanks for sharing it with us,

  5. Oh-Your home is so pretty, Mary!
    Love all your special touches-they're just perfect!

    Have a wonderful day :)

  6. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! your home looks wonderful!!

  7. Love it!!:0) I am really loving the shelving hanging above the couch,it looks great with all your redware!! I have been on a Bennington Pottery kick lately! I have a plate rack built in my cupboards in the kitchen and I am slowly filling it with all blue agate plates!!:0)

  8. Your home is beautiful - love your fall decorating. A belated Happy Birthday.

    Autumn Blessings,

  9. Hey Mary, Happy Birthday girlie...a bit late, I hope you are still celebrating! Your decorating looks awesome, I especially love the colander with the candle burning in that look! Have a wonderful week, I hope your back is holding up with all of that decorating going on!

  10. Hi Mary, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I love the pics of your home. The drawer with the little curtain and candle lamp is such a nice touch. I also love the cabinet with the glass door. I love everything!!
    Happy Birthday!!

  11. I love your fall, looks great!

    I never thought about using three colors on a piece. Duh! I always use the basic two. I like the way it came out, you can see some of each color. Neat idea!


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