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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Bestest Friends...

Yesterday my three bestest friends in the whole wide world and I got together at our friend Pam's House. Last month we decided that we would do a craft at this month's get together. I was so looking forward to it all month long. We decided Pam would show us her technique to make grubby jars. But I'll show that later. I have never been in Pam's house until yesterday. I was running a little late because my daughter's orthodontist was running behind (imagine that). Pam greeted me at the door and I asked if I could bring my camera in. She graciously accepted. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! Girls let me tell you I was a very rude guest. LOL. I had my back to Pam the whole entire first hour I was there. I was listening, but I was looking at her prim perfect displays!!!!!! And of course taking pictures. Pam is a thrift store redo queen. She also makes most of her prims with some help from her hubby who makes things out of wood such as her shelves. She needs no patterns as she looks at prims on the internet and voila she whips it right up. She has the best ideas too!!! I've already told her she will have a monthly spot on my blog to do a tutorial. Unless I can talk her into starting a blog. ;) She reads my blog so please post your comments because I will make sure she sees them.

Are you ready???? Get set... GO!!!!!!! Pam's kitchen/dining room/living room

The laundry room...

Pam made the wool picture!!!! It is awesome!!!

Master Bedroom... I couldn't get a good pic of her bed. My camera was giving me issues with the lighting.

My bestest friends...

Pam is in white. I thought I had another pic of her, but evidentally my brain was mush after seeing her house. LOL She never got her white shirt dirty. I was impressed cuz I wore all my spices home. LOL.

Rose is closest you and that's Stacie in the back.

Our crafting progress...

Pam's jars...

Who'd a thunk... The ones that look like milk bottles are Starbuck chilled cappichino(spelling is really off LOL) bottles. Stacie's idea. But these are Rose's creations.

My handy work...

Stacie's awesome creation. We named it the chocolate chip cookie dough jar. Pam made the label. LOL Pam also made another label that said vinegar... but without her glasses on she read it as Viagra... LOL we all had a great laugh about that one.

Now that my computer is smoking from all the pictures I added. LOL. I hope you enjoyed Pam's beautiful home. I know I did!!!! Thanks again Pam for being such a gracious hostess. I had a wonderful day!!!! Thanks Rose, Pam and Stacie for the delicious food too. I can't wait until next month. I will be adding a tutorial soon on how to make Pam's grubby jars. Now my last day off and I need to craft... after seeing everything Pam made I am so in the mood. LOL.


  1. Nothing like going to a fellow prim's home to get you in the mood to do some changes and crafting! Loved Pam's home! Thanks for sharing, Dawn

  2. Wow, Pam has a beautiful home! Lots of ideas and inspiration. What a great day you all had crafting together. Looking forward to the tutorial - just might give it a try.

    Autumn Blessings,

  3. Well, I can certainly see why you to are friends. I love her home. thanks for posting the pics. Pleeezzzz, post how to do those jars. So cool

  4. Can't wait for the tutorial. Looks like you all had a great time and the well I had fun hearing about the Viagra jar (lol).

    Have a blessed day!!

  5. Her home is awesome!! Glad you hada wonderful time with your besties!! Have a great day crafting!!:0)

  6. what a fun place to be with all that wonderful eyecandy..glad you had a great time with great gals, fun and food to boot..;)

  7. Wow, where to start with what I loved!! Her home is beautiful!! So sweet of her to let you share it with us. It is always fun to craft with a friend, I haven't done that in a long time. Need to make time.

  8. Gorgeous home! thanks for sharing! love the crafts with friends! great idea! :)

  9. I was just going to ask how you did the jars, and then read you will be doing a tutorial--yay!!! Awesome photos..loved it all. Happy first day of fall. Julie

  10. what a fun day!! Great prims!! Great jars too!

  11. Please tell Pam 'THANK YOU' for allowing us to tour her gorgeous home! I loved the jars and look forward to your tutorial on making them. Please keep posting pictures of you wonderful home too. Hugs, Sher

  12. Thanks for sharing her home with us. Everything looks so nice. What a great idea to get together and create! ~Ann

  13. Looks like you had a grand time with your friends Mary and thanks for the tour of her lovely home!
    Blessings to you. Hope you get to enjoy some beautiful fall weather~

  14. Just checking out your blog!
    Wow, your friend Pam's home is really cute! She does a great job decorating!
    Looks like you girls had a fun day.
    Thanks for sharing the pics & please let Pam know she has a very nice home! You are both invited to my new blog, please visit!
    take care,

  15. Pam has a wonderfully prim home! You need to get that girl to blogging! I had to laugh when you brought that up about her white shirt never got dirty. Like you, I wear everything I make too. I always have to wear an apron or old work shirt. How do people like her ever get anything accomplished?! For me, being dirty or messy is a true sign of my accomplishments for the day, lol!

    You sure are fortunate that you have some friends to get together with to do monthly craft projects! I've tried a few times but most of my friends have young kids and we don't get much accomplished with them around.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.