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Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Monday

Wow the weather has been cool this past weekend. Nothing like going from 90 degrees to 65 degrees in two days. No wonder people's sinuses are messed up and getting colds. The cool nights have finally started turning leaves. Let the beautiful fall colors begin.

Speaking of fall colors I started a new quilt this weekend. I have been buying all kinds of fall fabric from Wal-mart. As you'll remember I have a hard time cutting it once I buy it. But I told myself I wanted a new fall quilt. I got a lot of it done yesterday. The quilt top is finished. Now I just need to get backing fabric. I know I know these are some really bright colors for me. but I just LOVE it. I think it's going to be awesome when I get it done. I am going to blanket stitch around the leaves and I think I'm going to stitch leaves on the long black pieces of the outer border. As you can tell I'm flying by the seat of my pants. LOL. I designed this quilt all by myself. I have a ton of fabric left so I may make some things and put them on my selling blog.

I've also been to the Goodwill recently. Ummmm... because I needed new jeans it seems as though my butt and hips are as big as a cow. LOL. I found some great deals on some brand new clothes with tags still on them. But I won't bore you with clothes. That's not why you visit me. LOL. I did find some great stuff otherwise though the pickins are slim. Pam must have beaten me there. LOL.

I just LOVE this picture. I've seen it in many magazine pictures in people's homes. I just had to have it.

Then I found this great wreath for Spring.

Not sure what this is or what it was used for, but it is wood and absolutely gorgeous.

I finally quit the fire department here in town. I just don't have time and it was burning me out. I need some down time and me time. Well, I need to get moving today. It's my last day off til Friday. I would like to get the quilt ready to quilt today. I also want to start another sampler so I have something to take to work with me for any down time I get. Pam loaned me one of her books with some awesome ones in it. I just need floss so I can get started.

Have a great week! Go out and enjoy the cooler weather that most of us are experiencing.


  1. Well, Mary, I'm glad to read that you are going to get some "me" time. A girl certainly needs it. I am in awe of the quilt. You are sew talented! I'm doing some sewing and I am blown away that you designed this. Incredible.
    Enjoy your day and Happy Monday,

  2. I love your thrifty finds...I love searching for wool at the goodwill too. Dianntha

  3. Good for you Mary! Sometimes you just need to put yourself first. Your quilt project is awesome-some of my favorite colors. Can't wait to see it finished.
    Wishing you a wonderful week of fall weather. We are finally getting summer temps here in Idaho!!! Such a screwy year of weather-our gardens are so confused! High 80's and low 90's for us this week.

  4. I agree you need you time and if that means giving p something that that is what you need to do!!:0) I am lovin your quilt it looks so wonderfully warm and inviting with all those beautiful fall colors!!
    That picture with he praying man is awesome I too have seen it in many homes on magazines, very lucky find!!! Have a great day off my friend!!:0)

  5. that quilt is did a fantastic job on it.:)

  6. Gorgeous quilt, Mary! I'm very impressed!

    You're making me want to go visit GW now....I did just makeover 2 items that I had stashed in my closet from GW. Love that covered wooden bowl you found!

    It's cool here too after last week being 97 degrees...but I'm lovin' it!


  7. I love that quilt: What great colors! I still haven't finished the fall quilt I started last year...oy! Someday.


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