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Friday, October 1, 2010

What I'm Doing Today

Despite the fact that this weekend is our cities yard sales, I will be working on some projects. I told Steve I had enough stuff that I didn't need anymore. The lady across the street has what appears to be a dry sink. It would need repainted. I just don't have anymore space for furniture. I have an appointment at the hair salon today so I will not be setting my stuff out. Plus I was a procrastinator and didn't price my stuff to be set out. Oh well guess I'll just take it to the Goodwill.

I have been working the past few days so not much is going on. I started a new sampler that I got out of the book my friend loaned me. I started it Tuesday. I am only working on this at work. Oh and once again i have a big DUH moment. The directions said to use a smaller count aida cloth, but since I didn't want to go buy some I used what I had on hand. Now I may run out of room because I still cut the cloth the same dimensions as the book told me. Oh well, guess we'll wait and see.

Which brings me today. I have a few projects I'd like to work. First and foremost I need to paint my TV cabinet Steve made. Though I don't have a TV that fits in it. I need a flat screen. I think Steve will let me borrow one of his until I get one. I just need to get this thing out of my garage so that I can park in it once the snow flies.

This goes on top in the back. I'll have an extra shelf to decorate. I need to stain it first then paint.

While I have the stain out I need to stain this cabinet. Actually it is a box used to store silver ware in. My Mom had one to store the good stuff that only came out on holidays. Anyway way we tore out the insides and made it into a key holder cabinet. Steve did the stenciling. This was also another free thing we found.

Last but not least I need to finish blanket stitching around 6 more leaves on my quilt top. Let me tell you I am better at straight lines or circles. This is so difficult for me. But I started it now I need to finish. I did get my backing fabric from the quilt shop plus some other fabulous fabric that I don't know what I'm going to do with yet. LOL.

AND I want to work on the grubby jar tutorial too. I may do that on Sunday because it's suppose to rain. Speaking of rain... I hope all of you who read this from the east coast are safe and not flooded. I feel so bad that some of you had up to 6 inches of rain. I guess the bright side is it isn't snow. Take care and stay safe. I also need to decorate the front of my house for fall at some point. And to think there is only 24 hours in a day. I work tomorrow so that just kills one whole day to do things. I'll show you my progress either Sunday or Tuesday.


  1. Girl you are busy busy!
    I can't wait to see the TV cabinet when you are finished!
    Have a great day!

  2. Oh my, you are a busy lady! I love the makeovers you are doing. Looking forward to seeing your finished projects.

  3. Very Busy I can't wait to see the TV cabinet either!! I am on the eastcoast and it is pouring buckets here!! I haven't been out to see any damage, but we have had weather alerts going off on the tv all day! The looks of my yard I can not imagine anywhere else is much better!

  4. What will power you have! To not go to the city wide garage sales - I admire you, I'd falter and be out there buying more! Have a productive weekend. ~Ann

  5. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  6. I have to laugh at your DUH moment! I've done this before too and fortunately it worked out, but barely.

    Your "free" thing turned into a neat little cabinet. Love that stencil, very cute!


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