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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Odds a Ends...

I've had all kinds of things going on since we last visited. I gave you my list of things I wanted done in my last post. As promised I told you I would update you. Lets see where to start...

For the first things I wanted to get done. Well, uhhhh they are started at least. LOL. Let's see I did paint my TV cabinet. It's not done I really need to second coat the inside, but it's suppose to rain again today. I know it looks like there is a gap on top, but I just threw it up there so you could see how it will look. Steve put a grove in the top so I can put plates in the top part. Can't wait to get this finished.

Secondly, this is the key cupboard Steve stenciled. I need to put the handle back on and get it hung. It turned out so awesome.

I also got my quilt top finished and pinned to the backing. I did what I said and went to the quilt shop and bought my backing along with some really yummy civil war repro fabric. All that is left is quilting it. I didn't take a pic since you all have seen it before. As I make more progress I will show you. Oh and I learned a very important lesson. Fusible webbing does NOT work on polyester. I'm not telling you how I know I just know. LOL.

While I was out Friday I stopped at a thrift store and forgot I had no checks left in my checkbook when I went to pay. GGGGRRRRRR... Anyway, they did hold my stuff and I went back and got my checkbook and then paid. I forgot to take pics of that purchase. But I got some more fabric. I know you are saying... Wow she is a fabric hoarder and yes I am. LOL. I also got two wood candle holders and some old clothes pins that I am going to wax dip like my friend Pam does and then tie some homespun around a bunch of them. Then I went for my salon appt and of course had to visit my favorite antique store since I was only 10 minutes away. I haven't been in a while, but oh it was heavenly. The store has changed a bit and they added more booths. I decided to buy a few things.

The bowl was $8.00. Couldn't pass it up.

Lots and lots of drieds.

Green beans...

Not sure what this stuff is that I put it the basket.

Again don't know what the long stuff is, but I liked it and it came in brown and red...

This is both allspice (smells awesome) and also dried juniper. I may try to make some garlands out of these for Christmas.

Plus I got Judy Condon's new Christmas book that came out. I also went to one of the prim shops because my friend Rose had some Osage oranges or monkey balls (as I call them). LOL. Rose let me know she had seen some at the Flea market and wanted to know if I wanted any. If you've never seen them they are about as big as a baseball or softball. I learned they grow on a bush not a tree. But if used in the basement it keeps the spiders away. I'm probably just going to decorate with them.

I then worked Saturday. So Sunday Steve and I spent the day going to Goodwill. I'd swear there was a huge sale going on. There was barely any parking spots. I hurried in before all the good stuff was gone.

The green fabric is a curtain panel. There is a faded spot, but I can make it into a table runner and cut that piece off. Red striped fabric for Christmas ornies. The checkerboard will get a makeover for a $1.00. The kitchen utensils $1.00.

Then we went to one of the other thrift store shops that marks stuff down the longer it sits. The wood plaque was 90% off. Make over time!!!! The magazines which have sampler patterns in $.50 with 45% off. The pewter dish $1.00 with some % off. LOL. I spent a whopping $3.33

Lastly, was the purchase of some lights that I'm going to try my hand at dipping them in silicone for the candle looking effect. $1.00 a piece if I screw up, well, it's only a $1.00

I think that's all I got done. I have got to get to decorating my front stoop and flower boxes for fall. Not sure when since I work the next three days. Anyway, I need to get my shower since I have things I need to get done.


  1. Awesome post Mary! You've been busy as usual. Love the black cabinet and key holder too!
    Wishing you a wonderful day~

  2. Everything looks great and is so inspiring. Hey, don't forget to share your findings of your silicone dipping experiment. Blessings and I always enjoy my stops here.

  3. Mary--thanks for the prayers for my mom.

    looks like you got a GOOD haul!!

    Are you supposed to make something out of all the fabric? My husband swears I just buy it so I can organize it...LOLOL

    i use the osage oranges with red berries in my outdoor christmas displays--it makes a great pop of color and it's FREE!!

  4. Love the T.V. cabinet & the design on the key cupboard. You always find so many goodies. I want to see those strans of lights when you get them done. Your home is sure to be the best decorated for fall. It was beautiful this summer. What are you waiting for! listen to me I need to do this to. I have lots of fabric but my latest hunt is for colonial fabric to recover an old chair. The more we stash the more we see & add to our fabric collection. Blessings!

  5. I am just loving the dried beans!
    Great finds at the Goodwill!
    Thanks for sharing all the goodies!

  6. Your TV cabinet looks great. You got some neat goodies at the antiques store, thrift store and Goodwill. I love all of your drieds.

  7. My goodness... look at all those great finds! Love your tv cabinet too!

    I've been away for a while. How many craft days have I missed now? lol.

    Carmen and the Primcats

  8. love the cabinet!!! it looks great!!
    you really found some goodies at the thrift store too. i just picked up some of the "spider chaser" balls too. we always use them and they do work. :)
    Happy Fall, Mary!!! :)

  9. Lots of busy-ness going on at the homestead! I bought a couple bags of the old style clothespins at Dollar Tree to do the same thing but I haven't had time yet. That will be a project for after Christmas. Maybe I'll wait till you do yours and follow your tut. =]

    I never thought I would say this... but I really like that green bean garland! Ha, it's really cute!

    Monkey balls? Really?? LOL! I've seen these and wondered what they were called. I've seen lots out in fields (that aren't mine and really don't want to get hauled away for trespassing just because I was trying to get some monkey balls!). I love their texture and color.


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