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Monday, October 11, 2010

Good Monday Morning

I have been busy working this past week and not gotten much accomplished until this past weekend. Steve hasn't been working much as the plumbing business has slowed down. However, after some gentle prodding OK nagging he finished up some projects. He even started laundry Friday for me since I have been working a ton of overtime not by my choice. For once in a long time, I had an entire weekend with nothing going on. Today is my last day of 3 days off. I have no where to go except to Goodwill for one last drop off. I will NOT go in the store!!!! LOL I have enough projects to keep me busy for the winter.

Saturday started with cleaning the garage with Steve's help. This of course meant the entertainment center had to be finished and taken upstairs. But I will show you that in a bit. I sorted, threw away, and donated enough to clear out 4 huge tubs. OK don't get too excited I still have a lot left. LOL. I think I'll be able to squeeze my car in when it gets cool.

Sunday... WOW.. who'd a thunk that by bringing in the TV stand that the whole house would be cleaned and reorganized. With the help of Steve, my son cleaned out his room. Steve said if I helped him he wouldn't get rid of anything. I think he was telling me I am a hoarder. AND unfortunately my son and daughter are too. :( My son even admits it. However, it got cleaned reorganized, and rearranged. Steve went into my daughters room and started there. We can't clean her room when she is home or else we get temper tantrums. So while she was away today he started pitching. Then when she came home she had to finish. Of course she complained the entire time. My room needed it too. So that was picked up and cleaned too. I also cleaned up my dining and living room and took more pics that I will share with you. So here's a sneak peak at fall at the Homestead...

Last but not least.... TADA!!!!! My new TV stand built by Steve.

I am going to try to update my Picture Trail today because I took a ton of pictures since my house was clean. LOL. I'll keep you updated in my my side bar when I am done.

Today I am also hoping to get my Grungy Jar tutorial done today and post tomorrow while I'm at work. I used the same technique on some candles I bought at the Goodwill so I'll show you those too. They look awesome!!!! Though Steve told me I could quilt all day if I wanted to since the house was clean. If it stays hot like it's been the past few days the last thing I want is a warm quilt on my lap!!! So for now I best get moving and keep up the pace. LOL.


  1. It all looks great Mary! I need to find some energy and get some serious cleaning and reorganizing done in my craft/storage room! OMG, you wouldn't believe the stuff that has piled up! ;-)
    Hope you have a great week and blessings to you~

  2. The home looks so warm & inviting!
    Great decorating, love it!
    Can't wait to see more!
    have a nice day,

  3. Everything looks so nice and fall!! Love the tv stand.....he did a great job. Doesn't it feel so good to clear out and get rid of stuff!! Thanks for sharing and have a great day off.

  4. It all looks so nice! Love the TV stand! Pretty!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. Steve did an awesome job on the TV stand. It's beautiful!

  6. I love what you did with that old print of the man praying by gently lighting it with the candle light and propping it on that tall cupboard. It just is so sweet up there. The TV cabinet is great. I think Steve could supliment while his plumbing business is slow by building some of these treasure for others. It's great.
    Blessings to you. Have a great week

  7. It was a glorious weekend here too. You have such a lovely home and such wonderful pieces! Have a great week.

  8. I absolutely love your house!!!! Steve did a wonderful jopb on the TV unique it is and stylish with the home...I am drooling all over the keyboard..LOL

  9. That is a beautiful TV cabinet...
    haha I have trouble throwing things out too!!!

  10. Awesome job on the TV cabinet. Your home looks great.

  11. A day to lovely that would be :-)

    I love the TV cabinet...isn't it a wonderful feeling to have everything cleaned and fresh?!

    Glad you had an enjoyable weekend!

  12. I told you it would all look gorgeous!!:0) Love love love!!! you and Steve are a great team just like me and my Steve!! LOL Can't wait to see your picture trail!! Hope your having a great day!!:0)

  13. Mary~Your home makes me want to come over and share a nice mug of hot cocoa with you! We could chat and do a little GW shopping after the cocoa is all gone. But I get first dibs on the wooden items! :o)
    I bet you are wondering where those black walnuts are that I promised you?!~well, a funny thing happened to those...the are gone! What the heck happened to them I don't know. I saw them, was searching for a box to ship them to you and then they were gone! I do have some in the backyard that still have the green shell on them...are you interested in those? It would take a little bit of work to get the outer shell off, but if you want those I can get those right away! I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you about those...I just keep forgetting to mention it to you, and I keep hoping that they will show up somewhere! Drop me a line if you want the green ones!
    Have a great week!

  14. I love that cabinet that Steve is so nice and prim and your home looks wonderful..where is your picture trail? doesn't it feel good to have things in their place and all nice and tidy..I know I function better ..;) have a wonderful rest of your week.;)

  15. Amazing warm & cozy. The T.V. cabinet looks so much bigger inside the house. I love it.

  16. If you still feel the urge to pitch and clean you're welcome to have a go at my basement ;D

    It all looks wonderful!!

  17. I love, love, that TV stand. I am going to show my honey the pic and maybe he can duplicate it.

  18. I love fall at your homestead! That cabinet in the corner is really cute. It looks great the way you have the door propped open. The new TV stand is awesome! I really like the shelf and beadboard on top of it. Looking good!


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