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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crafting Tuesday

As you'll remember I went to the dentist yesterday. I had no cavities!!! woot woot!!! I was the first patient and yet they were already behind. I told my sister I had to be out in time to get home for my crafting day. That was so much more important. LOL. The girls were going to be at my house at 10am.

I had told Steve days ago we needed to rig up some clothesline or string in the garage so we could hang up our light strands. So while I was at the dentist Steve used my garage door tracks to hang up the rope. He also went to the hardware store and picked up more silicone and clothes pins. Well, after the girls and I walked through my messy house to check out my decorating we went to my garage to get started.

They wanted to check out my make do chair. LOL

Margo says she needs her septor... LOL She is one or new BFFs and she kept us in stitches all day. She too works with my other friend Rose at a prim/country shop I go to here in town.

When we opened the door Steve not only had the rope set up, but he had cut down cups for us to use and had the clothespins on the rope for us. And he showed me how to use my new caulking gun. Guess I have no reason why I can't make more. LOL.

We used Char's The Pickled Pepper patch tutorial to make our lights. It is a great tutorial. Rose we decided had the knack for dipping the lights. The rest of us not so much. LOL.

Getting started... the lights were hung on the rope. We first made sure the lights worked.

We used burnt sienna and threw in some coffee ground (not the instant kind) on our lights... stir stir stir

On the left in the back is Margo, middle up close to you Pam, and over her shoulder on your right is Rose dipping away.

The finished product. Ok well, both of mine worked at the beginning. But a few lights went out in the end. It was a Goodwill strand so I'm not too worried. AND that strand blinked but didn't find that out til after I dipped them. LOL. Now I don't know which one is the blinky one. GRRRRR LOL We also had issues with our silicone globbing up in the end. I think it was do to the fact we didn't stir our silicone every 3 to 5 lights. AND we had better luck with strands of 50 or less. All in all the tutorial is awesome and I plan on doing some more for my Christmas tree this year.

Since I haven't posted the decorated front of my house I thought I'd share...

My sister stopped in last night because she bought a gold chandelier at a yard sale and asked if Steve would paint it black like mine for her. He agreed so she brought it over and brought her dog with her. He is the cutest little thing. He weighs 7.2 lbs. LOL. He decided he would be king of castle...

Then he saw it.... I believe he had an identity crisis... Mr Fishy was being watched... LOL

I had an awesome day yesterday. We have made plans to meet again Nov. 30. We will be making salt dough and other Christmas ornies. I am so excited I can't wait. If any of you want to join us please drop me a line. Remember if you live near Wayne County Ohio that's where you will find us.


  1. What fun to craft with friends - and to ave such a great helper like Steve!

  2. Now that's a day I'd like to have! I've tried getting a few gals together but it never seems to work out with their schedules-it would be fun to do a crafting day with others.
    So glad you had a wonderful day with your friends Mary!
    Blessings to you~

  3. Oh your craft day looked so fun! Love the lights. They look great!

    And your fall decor is great! So inviting!

    And I'm gonna steal that cute little puppy! He's a doll!

    Have a great day!
    Carmen and the Primcats

  4. Looks like such fun and how nice that Steve is so thoughtful...he is a gem!! Dianntha

  5. Good Morning Sweetie...
    What a wonderful way to spend a day with friends. Love the make do chair, and yes I believe a sceptor is needed just for such occasions.

    Love the lights and I will check out Chars tutorial, as I have been wondering how these are done. You DH did a wonderful job of stringing lines for you all. Aren't they just the best?

    Have a gorgeous Wednesday. Thanks again for sharing this morning. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  6. Like Sheila, I have tried to get girls together for a fun day like you girls just had. It never seems to work out, darn it! Looks like so much fun!
    I think it might be too far for me to travel from NJ to join your gal's club in OH, but I can be there in spirit!! And I can look forward to your future posts. The Christmas craft day sounds wonderful!

  7. i love the lights!! you all look like you were having so much fun!
    i have been scouring the goodwill stores for a brass light. it used to be i seen them all the time, now not so much. maybe someone passed the idea along. lol
    i found some glass icicles at the dollr tree store. i want to do something with them, just not sure what. they were 25 cents a 6 pack( can't beat the price). ;)

  8. How fun!!
    Love the chair!
    All your fall pics are amazing!!

  9. I have dipped those light strands and some work and some don' your window boxes in the front of your how it is decorated.:)

  10. Those turned out great!
    One of these days I would like to dip the night light bulbs. The silcone bulbs are so expensive...I need to learn myself to save $$$.
    Have a wonderful week...Ps..I love the window boxes! You and Steve have done a wonderful job!

  11. I think the lights look good! I've wanted to try this, but haven't gotten around to it. You are so good about keeping on top of doing your projects. ~Ann

  12. I love the chair! Your lights are pretty. Outside fall display is great & that photo of fishey & dog is so dear. Blessings.

  13. The lights look great. I just used my last silicone bulb in my candle light so I think I'm gonna try this with some inexpensive dollar store candle bulbs. Thanks for sharing it.

  14. Love how you have your outside those window boxes, Mary!

    Steve sure sounds like a great help and supporter of your love of decorating and crafting! That's great!


  15. I am so happy that everything is going so well for you. It's been a while since I have been by here but am so glad I stopped by. Your lights look great and I love those outside decorations. I love the window boxes. So nice.

  16. I haven't been brave enough to try this yet. Looks like you all have the perfect place to do it, how wonderful of Steve to set you up like that! I think they look great!

    Your outside fall decorating is beautiful, love all the pumpkins!


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