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Monday, October 25, 2010

My Son's Not So Prim Room

You all know I LOVE prim, but I can't make my kids like it too. So, I let them decorate their rooms how they want. Since my son cleaned his room, donated a bunch of his toys, and took his loft bed down Steve helped him rearrange his room. Recently my son has been getting into trucks, trailers, and model cars. So Steve worked around that. Oh did I mention Steve is into the same things??? LOL

Anyway, Steve's work has slowed down tremendously so he has been busy redecorating my son's room. My son just loves it!!!! I'm not sure if Steve is having more fun and excited since he never had a room like this as a kid. But I still can't believe Steve gave my son a bunch of his things to decorate his room from his own home.

I just thought I'd show you my son's new room.

Steve made this huge shelf for all these cars and trucks. Most of them are his and he is letting my son use them.

I made the rag quilt a few years ago. The shelf next to the bed was my grandmother's. The bed belonged to my great aunt. It is actually a 3/4 bed.

Steve drew all of these!!! I only wish I had this talent.

Of course my son had to try to duplicate the drawings. LOL.

And of course a trash to treasure desk... Steve painted it and my son put the decals on it. I think he went a little overboard. LOL.

Of course then he has car posters that were Steve's hung all over his walls. (sigh) My son is growing up. Gone are the days of cartoons and Thomas the train. Now there are mustangs, corvettes, and talk of girls. He's only 11. Guess I better enjoy what time I have left with him.

By the time you read this I will be starting my busy day. I have a meeting at the school at 7:30am for my daughter's IEP. This will be the last one before she goes to college in 3 years. Once again where did time go? Then I have the dreaded female doctor appointment today. IICCKKK!!!! I dread going so much that most times I start sweating profusely. I know it's for my own good since I had the start of cervical cancer before I had my hysterectomy. Then at 6:15pm I have a parent teacher conference with my son's teachers. My son, who hates writing and reading, and had a D but says he brought it up to a C. He can do much better he just doesn't want to. Boys.... what can I say.

I went to a new Goodwill in the town I grew up in on Saturday. I found some great things, but I'll wait to show you another day. I am so excited another great place to find diamonds in the rough.


  1. My boys would love to have a room like that. He did a super job! And those drawings are outstanding! Wowzers girl! You have a super talented household. Thanks for sharing the pics. I can't wait to see those goodwill goodies.

    Take care,

    Gen@Olde Pear Primitives

  2. What a great room and so nice of Steve to let your son borrow his cars and trucks! They do grow up way too fast...mine started university this fall!

  3. Very nice boys room,
    The diplay for the cars is terrific, love it great job by Dad, I think most boys would be like "Come on Dad make me one"
    Your son is talented, love the drawings!

    have a nice day!

  4. That shelf is amazing as are the drawings. The room looks great!! Hope you have a great day. Julie

  5. Wow Mary, that's some room! We do need to let them have their own identity-even if it doesn't go along with OUR decor, so long as it is clean, right?
    Is there anything MR. Steve can't do? Awesome drawings! That car collection is something too! I thought my son had a collection but nothing like that. Glad I'm not doing the dusting-LOL.
    Hope your day is a good one.

  6. Love your son's room! So kind of Steve to loan his collection. Your rag quilt makes it look so cozy. What a great room for a kid to grow up in!

  7. love your sons room..and Steve can the General Lee charger..I wanted one of those along with the duke;)

  8. What a great shelf! My DS is a dinosaur fanatic ~ check out the photos of his room on my blog

    Come for a visit and stay as a follower!

  9. With all the building and things
    that Steve does, the signs, the
    drawing, and his willingness to
    share his cars and drawings with
    your son, I would say you have a
    real keeper, there! Hang on to
    that man!

    Bear Hugs~Karen

  10. So glad I found your blog! I'm also a single mom, three boys and the youngest is 14 with Autism... his obsession is cars, trucks, anything with wheels...he'd love your son's room. What a great display!

  11. Ah Mary, this post actually brought tears to my eyes (it must be that time of month). I think it's so very sweet that Steve and your son are bonding so well. When are you gonna marry this dude?! =] I'm just kidding with ya!

    But really, Steve has lots of talent! Those drawings are wonderful!! I'm sure your son is totally loving his new room. My youngest is still in the Thomas the train stage and I'm enjoying every minute of it!


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