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Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Goodwill Finds and Quilt Finished

Remember I told you I went to a Goodwill that had just opened in my hometown. Well, I found SOME things, but I thought their prices were high as compared to where I live now. But because it was the grand opening I got a $3.00 off coupon. Yiippeee!!!! I love thrift store coupons. Anyway, they weren't stocked completely unless you wanted clothes. Not me though... I was looking for redo projects. And my Mother told me in my birthday card from last month that I was to use the money she gave me for NEW clothes at a regular store not Goodwill. She told me I was better than that. Sheesh!!!! I find new clothes with tags at Goodwill. You think that will do? But I have found some really nice cheap clothes at Goodwill. What she doesn't know won't kill her right? Back to my Goodwill trip. I was pleasantly surprised when I found they had a rack of fabric. Some of it was too cutesy country for me, some were the printed pillow forms on fabric, but I did manage to find some I could use.

My picture didn't come out so well... but from left to right... tiny blue checkered, dark brown, green with flowers, another green one, dark red, orange, and in the back a Christmas print with tine holly sprigs.

Then we went household goods...

Like the mushrooms? I bought it just for that... LOL. I plan on repainting it. It will be my new trencher. Can't you just see it filled with fresh evergreen branches and pine cones???

Speaking of Christmas, I ok Steve found this Christmas sign... it will be prim'd a little.

Of course I bought yet another bowl. This one is smaller than what I have. I, of course, will paint this up too.

That was all I found. But like I said the fabric was reasonable, but the trencher was a bit high at $10.00. But I liked so I had to have it. LOL.

I finished my quilt. I am so proud of myself. I started and finished it in the same season. LOL. The fall one I started last year didn't get finished until Spring I think. Anyway, here it is. The colors aren't true. I have been trying with a flash and without a flash, night time and daytime, and I just can't get it right. The colors are darker than they appear.

Today I will be finishing my sampler I've been working on. I am finishing up my last border. I only work on it at work normally. My boss told me I had been working on my sampler what seemed like forever. I looked at him and said I only work on it in my down time and that's why it's taking me forever. I said we don't get too much down time around here anymore. He looked at me and said well then that's a good thing. LOL. I'm thinking not it's not. I am on the road just about my entire shift. UGGGHHHH...

Before I go I have a special prayer request for one of my friends. I won't give details to protect their privacy, but if you could say an extra prayer for her and her family I would appreciate it. Tomorrow her family will be going through a life changing event. You know who you are. I will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything and how things go. :)


  1. Love all the new stuff and your quilt is fantastic!
    (Prayers being offered as we speak!)
    Love to you

  2. Great finds and LOVE the new quilt.

    Enjoy, Janie

  3. Lucky girl - that trencher is a real find! I'm headed to our good will store (and Wally World) as soon as I finished my lunch!

  4. Great finds!I like the trencher!
    Prayers to your friend & family!
    enjoy the day!

  5. Your finished quilt is beautiful. I wish I could find the good stuff you find at goodwill here. The trencher is a steal & amazing. The pine sprigs will add to it much. Lucky you! Prayers lifted up for the needs of your friend & family. Blessings to you all!

  6. Agreed... GW sometimes has some great clothes. I wish I could find one with that kind of fabric though, that's awesome! That's a good size trencher.

    Your quilt turned out beautiful! I love the patterns, the shapes, but especially the colors you used.


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