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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Crafting

I told you last week that I would be back this week with some new projects. I got busy after I posted my last entry. As much as I like fall, it was time to move on to Christmas stuff. I have a bunch of things I would like to make for Christmas, but it's just finding the time to do it. I have a theme for one of my little trees rolling around in my head full of marbles. But I'm not decorating for Christmas yet. It is just too early for me. It is my tradition to decorate the day after Thanksgiving. One of my Facebook friends put it best... we all have a lot to be thankful for so let's not rush Christmas and take the time to remember how lucky we are. And many of you know I am very thankful for where and who I am today and for the people in my life. Yes this means all of you in blogland and Facebook. OK I'm not going to get sappy. Let's move on to the good stuff.

I finished my candle box finally. I just love this color I found by accident. It was a left over bottle at the thrift store. I can't wait to fill it with greens and a Santa I hope to make. LOL.

Next I hunted in my stash o' goodies for something I could redo. So I found these wood boxes. They are done in hunter green, barn red, and antique white. These will be one of my items for sale on my blog when I start listing things here soon.

Then I decided to coffee stain up some fabric and make pillows. I stuffed the Christmas tree with wood chips and will do the same for the other two. I just haven't had time until today. I think they turned out really cute. Again, they will be for sale too. I'm just giving you a heads up about some of the things I will be selling so you can save some money first. LOL.

Then last but not least I started another stitchery. I know you are rolling your eyes at me. You are thinking to yourself really??? I thought you were done with the stitchery thing. You told us last week you were tired of showing us stitchery stuff. You are right, BUT I justified spending $.20 on a pattern book last week. LOL. This was one of my finds at the thrift store last week. I started it Saturday at work. I am almost finished. It was a quick and easy pattern. I used thrift store cloth, thrift store thread, and thrift store pattern. So there :P LOL.

Tomorrow Stacie and I are getting together to try do dry some fruit. I think I'm also going to try to make a sweet potato garland too. And for those who live around Wayne County our next BFF gathering is Nov. 30. We will be making salt dough ornies, but you are welcome to just come and bring whatever you are working on or just come and observe. The more the merrier. Send me a quick email and I will email you the info. I need to get moving and clean up around this place. It's starting to look like a thrift store in my dining room. LOL. Plus Stacie is coming I can't have all this stuff laying around. Though she has seen my house a mess. I swore I would never have visitors in my home if it wasn't clean. But you all know how anal oh wait funny about how my house smells and looks.


  1. I just love the candle box, great color!
    enjoy your day,

  2. Hi Mary~
    love the way the candle box turned out and glad you are getting some Christmas crafting started! I won't decorate until after Thanksgiving either! I agree with your FB friend's statement! Be thankful!
    Blessings to you~

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Everything looks great!

    My house is an interesting mix right now. I still have fall in the kitchen, dining room and entry way... but I have Christmas is happening in the living room. I love it! I've never done that before but it will be my new tradition! Then come Day after thanksgiving I'll put christmas everywhere and get all my trees out! I can't wait!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. Please post the results of your fruit drying. I read how to do it somewhere, but can't find it now. Want to do that next week, too.

  6. Girl you go ahead and get as sappy as you want! You have been through a lot and you deserve to be happy - I am thrilled you are in a good place now!!

    I feel the same way about waiting to decorate but I am enjoying everyone else that started already! To each his own!!

  7. I think you are doing wonderful! I love all the things you have created! You certainly have prim luck on your hunts! LOL! You keep plugging away there! I love to see what you are doing, and now I can finally participate!
    Have a good week!

  8. Hey Mary! I Love your candle box it turned out great and what deal!

  9. It looks like you have been very busy. I have started to decorate for Christmas because we combine our Thanksgiving and Christmas family gatherings so this is it for this year. Blessings, Dianntha

  10. Oooooh, I love that color also! It looks like a burnt orange (quickly becoming one of my fave colors).

    Very cute pillows! Hey, 20 cents for a book? All materials from a thrift store? Can't beat that, that's for sure!


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