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Friday, November 12, 2010

I Was Bad...

My addiction and curiosity of thrift stores over took me yesterday. I certainly didn't want to disappoint you either. LOL. I just had to go to the Christmas open house at MCC Connections in Kidron. I arrived around 8:45 and there was already a line waiting to get in. Of course my BFF Pam and her husband were already there. I was so excited because I had a shopping buddy. We also got to chatting with some of the other ladies waiting in line. It was actually really fun waiting. Anyway, as soon as the door opened we all went in. I'm not sure where she went first, but I went to the pattern section and craft area. People were grabbing shopping carts and baskets. Not me I didn't want to waste time. LOL. I got to the bin and started digging. I got all these patterns for $.55 a piece. There are snowmen, Santas, and quilting patterns. I may use them as is or I might change them up a little.

oh and I got this bag a sheep wool to use for Santa beards or doll hair. Now I just need one those felting needles(I believe this is the name) to punch it in to the fabric.

I walked around and found some cross stitch sampler patterns in magazines and books, and some old quilting magazines and books. Some of the patterns looked easy enough that maybe I could attempt them. For as cheap as they were I figure even if I only use one pattern it was worth it.

Then Pam and met up and discussed what we both had. Her husband said he could hear us from across the room. LOL. OK we weren't discussing I was trying to get Pam to buy some plastic canvas patterns and finding some really ugly stuff for her. She on the other hand found some great stuff for me and proceeded to put it in my basket that a really nice volunteer gave me to hold all my stuff.

She found all this for me...I found the candles...

The rest I found on my own.

I think the cross stitched thing was to be a pillow because there is no backing to it. I think a little coffee stain and a frame would be nice. Notice the blue? What did I tell you yesterday. LOL

I am not into hooking yet. I figure I can flip them over and add some fabric to the edges and make table runners.

I bought this for my sister's friend who wanted Steve to make one. I figure $1.50 is a lot cheaper. Plus I'm going to make a pattern off of it to make a gameboard for my wall.

This fabric is so awesome. I think it will be my tree skirt.

Last but not least... Pam found this first. It was so awesome. Her husband picked up after much pleading between Pam and me. We told him one of us would take it so until then he put it in the cart. Lo and behold as I'm checking out Pam brought it to me and said that I could have it. I was so excited! $7.50 was a bargain on this beauty. Oh and Pam I apologize for not saying goodbye, but I misread my calendar and was suppose to be at an appointment at 10a and it was already 10:30. OOPS!!!! I had a great time shopping with you. See you Nov 30th. I think I might get rid of the shelf on the bottom and put a dowel rod to make a quilt rack. Of course and paint it too.

OK most of this I really didn't need. But they were all bargains. Even if I decide I don't want something I can always give it back. I am going to try so hard to not go to any more Christmas Open Houses this year. You know me though... I can't pass up a bargain. Have a great weekend everyone. I work the next three days but would like to have some more crafting things to post.


  1. Such great goodies. Where in the world do you keep all this stuff? Ya, that was my first thought.


  2. wow Mary--you got some REAL goodies there!!!!

  3. Look at you go girl!!!! You are always finding awesome things!!!! I still remember when you hit the jackpot on the country curb!!!! I hit the Christmas jackpot the other day on someones curb too!!!! LOL!!!! I know what you mean with the OCD with thrift stores I got it too!!!! Big Prim Hugs Casey!!!!

  4. WOW! Did you find some great stuff! I never find stuff that good at my local thirft shop. :( Can't wait to see what you do with it all.



  5. Wow! Mary, you really did have a good time! LOL plus you found some really neat items too! A girl just can't pass up some of these items when the price is right-even if they get put in storage for awhile!
    Have a great weekend~

  6. you are so darn lucky!! look at all the good stuff you found. :)
    check the flea markets and thrift stores for the felting needle. i picked mine up over the summer at hartville flea market for 2.00! it still has the directions with it.
    you will love the country living books. i got a few of them at the thrift stores in columbus. if you ever have a day to spare you need to make a trip there and shop some of the "ohio thrift" stores ( and valu- thrift). its like shoppng at walmart. :) we get off at morse road and there are about 6 within blocks of each other. :) we hit 20 thrift( had 33 on the list) stores in one day, had stuff sitting on our laps and the truck bed crammed full. spent 112.31 and had enough furniture- bed, dresser, kitchen table and chairs, coffee table and a couch(the couch still had the tags on it) for a friend to put in an apartment.

  7. Oh please taking me shopping with you the next time you go...We never have things like that in our stores. Lucky you! Hugs, Sher

  8. boy,you sure racked up the goodies. i need to find a thrift store like that. denise

  9. I am so impressed with all of your great finds! You're going to have so much fun with all of that! :)

  10. Wow! All kinds of great deals, girl! I can't believe I have (had) that exact same Merry Christmas pamphlet in the 4th picture down. I had to rummage through all my cross stitch patterns and couldn't find it. Awhile back I purged and sometimes I still regret it! Anyway, it's gone and I don't think I even made a single thing out of it.

    What do you do with your cookie cutters? Mine are just thrown in a wooden bowl but it is overflowing and spilling out. I can't stop buying them but I need to come up with another idea. Oh, and I have some mini ones in a jar. What else can you do with them?

    Love those Country Living Christmas books. I've been looking for some wooden bead garland and only finding plastic right now. What the?? Oh, that cabinet is gonna be a fun makeover. =]


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