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Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Found Some Motivation

Instead of working on my sticheries on Tuesday I found the motivation to work on some different projects. I knew you were tired of seeing the same stuff. Quite frankly so was I. LOL. So on Tuesday I made up some coffee stain went through my mega stacks of fabric and got to work.

I've had these paper mache boxes for ages. Yes they were already prim, BUT I wanted something different. I don't know why I have been leaning towards blue and browns recently. I found though that most of my fabrics are those two colors in many different shades. Anyway, since it had been awhile since I coffee stained I mixed the stain up quite dark. I plopped my fabric in it and then put it in the oven to dry. I found that the fabric was not taking the stain. hmmm... I am wondering if the sizing that is sprayed on fabrics has something to do with it. I should have washed the fabric first? Anyway, so I decided to take some brown paint mix it with my coffee stain and viola it worked much better. Ok until I got to the middle box. This fabric just wouldn't take the paint/coffee mixture. So, I put some paint on my painting cloth rubbed my paintbrush in it and painted some dark spots on the fabric. I think it turned out ok. So quit talking and lets see them Mary right?



See the boxes behind the crock? These are the ones I redid...

Then I tried my hand and a fabric covered book... OK I was trying to use up fabric...notice the brown again... LOL

Of course I painted the candle box. It is not done as I need to sand and prim it up. I ran short on time. Today in between all my appointments I am going to do some more crafting. I hope...

I have a question for you. At this point in the fall do you still buy fall decorations or have you moved on to Christmas stuff? I am asking because I'd like to put some fall items up on my selling blog, but I don't want to if people are done buying for fall.

Today there is a Christmas open house at one of my favorite thrift stores. I am torn because I'd like to go, but I really don't NEED anything. Uggghhh... I'd better be a good girl and just use up and create my own things this year. Homemade is much better than store boughten sometimes. I guess come back tomorrow to see if I gave in. LOL.


  1. I love the way your boxes turned out. Very nice. I use fragrance oils (Pumpkin Spice, apple, etc.) along with the coffee stain and it adds another layer of interest.

    At this time of the season I don't add new items as I am already into Christmas and will begin Valentine's Day soon.


  2. I have to admit that I have had the fall out since September so I am moving on to Christmas as we speak...would love to see Christmas! Dianntha

  3. THe boxes are so nice and I love the book too!

    I'll be back tomorrow to see if you gave in. ;)

    Carmen and the Primcats

  4. The boxes turned out great! Glad you stuck to it and made that fabric work! I would have given up! You inspire me. I too like blues and browns, especially browns - love it. I know what you mean about wanting to go thrifting, but not needing anything. Last time I went to the TS, I didn't buy a thing! Can you believe it? I've only got room for so much ~Ann

  5. I love how the boxes came out! They look fantastic. Hmmmmmm...I want to get some boxes now so I can try my hand at some. LOL. But at this time I really don't buy much fall stuff. Unless it is marked down really low and I know I will be using it next year. I usually go for Christmas stuff right now. Hope that helps with your decision. :)

    Have a great Veteran's Day!


  6. Mary, I love how your boxes and book came out. Blues and browns are my very favorites. A little nutmeg paint works great, too. I'm done with fall, been working on Christmas for awhile. I was so lucky recently and found a ton of vintage blue and brown fabric, made my month ~ it sure doesn't take much to make us prim gals happy, does it, lol??

  7. i love how the boxes turned out!! they look really old!! i had some fabric that wouldnt take coffee stain either. like you, i didint wash it first... oh well, i will know next time. ;)

  8. I love how your boxes came out..I have always wanted to make them and now feel inspired to pursue that project..I love your blog and all of the ideas I get..Thanks for that and keep them coming..

  9. Mary, everything looks really nice! Washing the fabric does help! LOL! I love the blues and browns too. I am kind of the same, I guess I'd only buy fall now if it were really marked down, I would be thinking of Christmas, and everyday.
    Have a good evening.

  10. Mary I love love love your blog and you. Thanks for getting me into the 21st century LOL

  11. That really bothers me too when some fabrics stain better than others. Grrr!! You stuck to it though and the end result was worth it, love them! I am leaning towards blues and browns for my bedroom. It is completely empty and desperately needs some TLC! Those two colors work very well together.


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