My Pages

Monday, November 22, 2010

A SALE at the Homestead

Just a quick post today. I have decided to have a sale inside my home. I decided on Saturday. LOL. It has been a mad rush to redecorate my dining room in preparation. So if any of you are wanting to come send me an email and I'll give you the address. I haven't had time to invite anyone so they will be seeing it here. I will have it today and Friday (Black Friday). This sale is called "Come and let's make a deal." There are no prices and I am motivated to sell. All of this would be great for gifts for yourself, friends, and family. If this goes well I will have another at the beginning of the year. This is in WAYNE county Ohio...

This is a sampling...

I will be back tomorrow with my winnings of an awesome blog giveaway!!!!


  1. Sure wished I lived closer to you as I know I would be stopping by!
    Good luck on your sale Mary.

  2. Well, I am no where NEARS close to you! LOL! I do however, wish you a sucessful day!

  3. Dang girl! Sure wish I lived in the same state as you, lots of awesome things you're selling!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.