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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Awesome Giveaway Winnings

I have to tell you that I am so unlucky. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. I never win anything accept in blog land. I won another giveaway last year too. But this time Julie from Country Girl at Heart had a fabulous giveaway. She spoiled me rotten. :) When I opened the envelope she had wrapped everything. I don't know about you, but I LOVE opening gifts! OK ignore my other mail in the picture. LOL. I just couldn't wait.

She not only gave me this fabulous table runner, BUT she posted how to make it on her blog as well. Ha what awesome Christmas ideas!!!! I can't wait to get out my Christmas stuff at the end of the week. I now have this to add to it. Check out the directions HERE. AND it's a better picture than I took. LOL.

Next was this beautiful stitchery. I took this pic before I put it in its new home. I'll show that when I post some Christmas pictures.

I have no idea how she new I LOVE cookie cutters. I don't think I've ever posted about them, but I collect them. Then she sent me a recipe for Sugar cookies. I have thrown away a lot of sugar cookie dough because it doesn't roll out to well and sticks to everything. I'm going to try these this year. She also included a Utah truffle. Yum!!!!!

Thank you so much Julie! I just LOVE everything. I also have a beautiful primitive stitchery Julie made me too when I was going through my divorce. I just blog friends. They are just so generous and kind.

Well, friends I may not be back until Friday of course with the holiday and all. So have a Happy Thanksgiving and take time to think about what all you have to be thankful for. I know I do each and every day.


  1. Ooh..lucky you. What lovely giveaway items you got! I, too, love opening presents. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. What a great package, you lucky girl you!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. Mary you are very lucky to have some of Julie's handy work! Ever since I joined your swap last year and you set us up as swap partners I've been the recipent of many beautiful items she has made. I am grateful for that first swap and it's all because of you Mary! I was very new to blog land and wasn't sure I would be accepted. Since then I've made many wonderful friends.
    Julie and I haven't met yet but perhaps one day we will as we are only a few hours away from one another.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you Mary~

  4. Mary, Congrats! Julie makes awesome gifties!

    I haven't been to your blog in AGES... I hope all is well with you!

    Hugs, Kimberly

  5. Lucky Girl arent' ya! Congrats!

    How sweet all wrapped in nice packages, yep, just makes us act like a kid again!( special touches don't ya love them!)


  6. Congrats girl! Wonderful winnings! I just love when they are packaged up so pretty.

    I've really missed your blog because of my crazy life. Silly me thought life would slow down in August when the kids went back to school... someone hit the fast forward button on me though and it didn't happen like I thought it would! So now I get to spend the evening catching up on your blog!! I'm so excited, I just love seeing what you are up to, so many neat ideas come from you!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.