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Saturday, December 4, 2010


I must apologize for this post because I said I would quit posting about my samplers. LOL. BUT I have not had time to do much of anything. Since last Saturday I have worked 82 hours. Though on Tuesday we had another craft day. I will post about that as soon as I get my end projects. I didn't bring them home with me because I lost track of time and had to run out the house to pick up my daughter from school. We had a great time making dough ornies and spice balls. I will post the recipes when I get them so you can see what the end product looks like.

My sale went fairly well. I got rid of a whole bunch of stuff! I still have a ton so that will go to the Goodwill. As I was clearing out the dining room from the sale I was also bringing up the Christmas decorations. The homestead is somewhat decorated, but I don't have my tree yet. :( Steve is bringing one today after he works on my new pencil post canopy bed! :) I'm so excited!!!! He and his cousin will be working on it together. Once I get it in my room I will be redoing my bedroom. I think I will be leaning more toward blues and browns. LOL you know me though I will change my mind a ton of times.

So this brings me to my sampler part. I have finished up some of my samplers as you'll remember. During this past week I took the frames Steve built to the glass place and had glass cut.

Sorry about the flash in the pic. It is no glare except when it comes to my camera flash. Anyway this frame was a bit bigger. Steve cut it down and remade it to fit.

The frame in this one was a part of a frame of something. For those who remember my side of the road free stuff this frame was part of that. It was actually a more copper color and I dry brushed black on it to tone it down.

Same frame as above brushed in brown. I know fall is past but it's ready for next year. These are permanently put in it yet. I need to straighten the samplers in their frames.

This is my newest one I finished over Thanksgiving. The is the first one done on linen. I don't have a frame yet. I have a frame to be cut down when Steve has time. I just LOVE this one. This was my $3.00 thrift store kit find. Now that this one is done I have been lost. I don't have another started yet and it's driving me crazy. So I need to check all of my patterns and see which one I want to start.

Then when I went to my sister's for Thanksgiving she told me I could have this one. This use to hang in MY bedroom as a kid. I totally forgot about it until I saw it. This was one where the pattern was stamped/printed on the fabric. The bad thing is the sampler was glued to the backing in the frame so I can't prim it. Oh well it still looks awesome. Not sure where I'm going to put this one.

I also bought some new stencils from my good friend Becca. I am so excited to use them. My Dad just stopped by so I better get going. I have a class for work I have to go to this afternoon. I will try to get something done to show you Monday. LOL.


  1. Hi Mary! I hate that you had to work 82 hours this week, it sounds like fun (NOT)! But your samplers turned out great...and Steve did a go job on those frames...I can't wait for this room re-do every room you have tackled has been awesome good lots of pics!

  2. Your samplers are amazing!!
    I wish I had some your talent and Energy!! ;)

    Take Care,

  3. Girl,
    You have been busy busy!
    82 hours yuk!
    your samplers are wonderful!
    kick up them feet & get some rest!

  4. Never tire of your Beautiful Samplers* I too wish i had your energy! You Rock Mary!!

  5. I never tire of your samplers either. They are all wonderful.

  6. Your samplers are absolutely awesome Mary! So much time into them and the frames are great too!

    Stop by my blog and sign up for my giveaway! No long list of rules, can post about it if you want. I thought there'd be more signed up by now so you still have a chance!
    Take care~

  7. Your samplers look so nice! I love your site and all of the work that you put into it!Merry Christmas to you and your Family!

  8. Dang, that boy is handy to have around... making a pencil post bed, cutting down and remaking frames... very nice of him!

    I love the fall sampler, very cute and simple and beautiful colors. The $3 find turned out beautiful, you do wonderful work!

    How neat to have a sampler from your childhood! It's a cute one too.


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