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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Gifts

I apologize for not posting on Christmas, but I worked Christmas Eve and it was a bit hectic and draining. By the time I got home Christmas Day my nerves were frazzled as I had to pick up my son at his Dad's and it had snowed overnight making the roads very slick. Then I came home we opened presents, I hopped in the shower, and started making my food to take to my sister's. I was exhausted and my fibromyalgia had flared up overnight due to the stress of the night before making it impossible to move as I hurt everywhere. I stayed at my sister's until about 7:30pm. I came home and my Rose delivered a HUGE bag of goodies to us. I'll share that in a minute. LOL. Anyway, so I will share today my awesome gifts.

First, these are the things I picked out for Steve to get me. Some even weave and linen for stitchin... a girl can't have to much of that you know. LOL. I also got 3 sizes of quilting squares for when I make my quilt... yea haven't started that yet. LOL. I also got pinking shears, which I already have them put away. He also got me a heating blanket for my bed since I complain I'm cold all the time.

Then he picked me up this quilt at the antique store. It appears it is made from old wool suits and then machine quilted then decorated with hand done feather stitches.

I forgot to show you what else I got that day of shopping, which wasn't for Christmas. I got these great fat quarters from Pat Catan's for $1.00 a piece. The first set is more colonial Americana... I just LOVE them....

Then I also picked up these blues and golds...

They also had a deal on there canvas pieces so I picked up a two pack and got to work... I just LOVE how they turned out. These will be for sale at the beginning of the year.

My parent's, for once, listened to what I wanted for Christmas. I always worry because they try to buy me clothes that I just plain don't like or wear. LOL. They got me gift certificates to Jo-Anne Fabrics, Pat Catan's, and my kids got me a Hobby Lobby gift certificate. I am soooooo set. LOL. My parents also gave me some money, which I think will go for my truck repairs I've been putting off.

Now I told you I bought some things for myself before Christmas. Well, as you'll remember I just LOVE textiles... Fabric, coverlets, quilts anything basically that has to do with textiles. Well, I LOVED this blue bedspread. It reminds me of a green coverlet I have.

My green one I already had.

Next I saw this wool blanket... It is rough. There are some holes and a dark stain
but I can fold it and hide most of it. LOL. Great for Christmas or an Americana theme don't you think?

Last but not least my very good friend Rose brought us a huge bag filled with baked goods and gifts. I am sorry to say but I can't show you pictures of the food because it is basically gone. LOL. Steve absolutely LOVES sweets. So needless to say GONE. LOL. We had cookies, chocolate drizzled caramel corn, chocolate covered cookies and pretzels, peppermint and cherry chocolate rolls(just like pumpkin rolls) anything you could ever dream of. LOL. I, however, got spoiled... she got me these great gifts. A wool Christmas tree, a candle mat and of course candle. I LOVE these candles. He makes awesome smelling ones.

So I really had a wonderful Christmas. I am hoping you did also. Now we sit back and look forward to a New Year with new friendships, good health, and people we love. I have thought of a few new resolutions which I will share later this week. So my friends until next time. Please stop back soon.


  1. What wonderful gifts Mary! You truly are blessed with dear family and friends.
    Happy New Year to you!

  2. Your bed looks very pretty!
    So many great gifts for Christmas, my fav heating pad, I too am always cold>>Brrr!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Girl, I'd say you got totally spoiled! LOL! I love the coverlet, and I'd be excited about the gift cards too! I don't know what Pat Catans' is, we don't have those here, but I'm guessing it's a place I could have fun in!
    I hope you are feeling better too.
    Happy New Year to you!

  4. Very nice things!! I love the wool quilt, it is awesome!!

  5. wonderful gifts :)

    Just poppin in to wish you a very HAPPY New Year!
    Hope the year is full of Marvelous Things for ya!

  6. Lovely blog! Have a warm, safe and cozy New Year!
    Take Care,

  7. I absolutely LOVE that quilt! It definitely looks old and the feather stitches are so neat!! Great Christmas gifts... someone must have been a good girl! =] Have fun spending all those gift certificates! The blanket looks wonderful on your bed.


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