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Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Alright so I'm a few days late. LOL. I have been busy crafting. With my new position I get 5 days off in a row every couple weeks. So I finished up some of the projects I started and of course started a new one even though I said I wouldn't. One resolution already down the drain and it's only the 3rd. However, with all of my projects I only used fabric I already had on hand. Hence keeping another New Year's resolution. Woohoo!!!! I'm on a role... I did buy fabric from the Goodwill for $.99 BEFORE New Years so I didn't cheat. I also started and finished reading Financial Freedom Revisited by Dave Ramsey. This will be another resolution I will be working on. I want to pay off my debt. I know I still have a foreclosure on my credit report and getting credit right now own't be easy, but I am going to work hard to pay off what debt I do have. This is really an awesome book. There are others that he has written that I also want to read. Maybe I need to go to the library today. Another resolution I have is to clear the clutter and get rid of it. I know I've saying this for years. LOL. But I managed to get rid of a bunch of stuff last month. I just need to keep going. Other than that I haven't really thought about other resolutions. I thought about the weight thing but my medication is working against me. I have a choice of being a little over weight OR feel better with my fibro. I would rather be able to sleep and feel half way decent. I have been very sore and not sleeping because I fell at work a few days ago and my body is not liking that so well. Oh wait, we went to the flea market yesterday and I promised/ resolution to myself I wouldn't buy anything more and I stuck to it until we went to the Goodwill. LOL. I found a cross stitch book with some sampler patterns in it. I didn't buy it though Steve did. So technically I didn't spend any money or buy anything. :)

Well, now that I've talked your ear off let me show you what I've been up to. Let's skip to the chase and show you.

I just LOVE how these turned out. Yep these will be for sale here within the next few days.

My second box. I know the pic is horrible, but I took it like 3 times and my camera wasn't agreeing with what I wanted to do. Also will be for sale.

You can't have enought bowl fillers right? LOL Some of these will be for sale also. The brown one you see was made from a quilt block I got from my great aunt a few years back. Whomever made it used scraps of fabric because there are seams throughout the middle of the squares. So this one for sure I am keeping.

I started this on Saturday. This was entirely out of my scrap container that I keep small pieces or remnants of fabric for projects such as this. I am undecided whether this will be for sale or not. I was thinking I might use it in my bedroom. I just need to quilt the outer border then put the binding on. If you'll remember I got like 4 quilting magazines for Christmas so I just had to make a small one.

As much as I love all of you my crafting mojo took over this weekend. I am trying to make things for my bedroom and for all of you too. I am still working on my latest sampler because I kept adding things that weren't in the original pattern. I am working on the border so I think I'm done adding anything else.
i told Steve last night I needed another frame soon.

Thanks for visiting today. I hope you have a great week! I'll try to get some better pictures and get my items up for sale this week. I'll let you know when I do. I have to apologize the spell check is not working for some reason. I proof read my post, but I'm sure I overlooked some spelling errors.


  1. Happy New Year!
    Good luck with the New Years resolution, Ya can do it, go girl go!

    Wonderful items, so many pretties!
    enjoy the day

  2. You can never have to many bowl fillers.... Love them.

    Happy New Years...

    Prim Hugs

  3. love them all and you are right never too many bowl fillers....
    Happy New Years!!!


  4. First off, love your new background!!!! and good for you getting so much done. Hope you are feeling better today and kudo's for widdling away at debt! That's a big one-good luck.
    Blessings to you,

  5. Love the pin cushions! Happy New Year & Blessings!

  6. Great job getting your projects completed! Good luck on your resolutions.

    Have a Blessed New Year!

  7. Mary, I hope you are ok with that fall you took...I am glad to see your creations are coming about too! By the way I read a Dave Ramsey book...he is good! Gook Luck!

  8. Mary, I hope you are alright!
    Do try and take care of yourself.
    I LOVE your stitcheries! They are just beautiful.
    Have a good week!

  9. We went through Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey. I'm happy to say that we will have another loan paid off in a couple of months! He has some incredible ideas that really work if you follow them.

    The bird pinkeeps are adorable!! Cute quilt bowl fillers! What a great way to use up scraps.

    The quilt is beautiful! I love the colors together. Love that stitchery too. You've been a busy girl Mary.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.