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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Living Room for Christmas

I know this is a late post, but Steve and I went Christmas shopping today. We still aren't done, but we will be finishing up Friday. My kids really didn't say they wanted much. But every idea they had they gave to their grandparents. So here I am trying to figure out what they would like since the good ideas were already taken. I have to say I really am out of the loop of today's teenage fads. I don't know what a lot of the electronic thingys are. Steve and I went to Best Buy thinking we were going to buy my daughter a Kindle. OK for those who aren't sure what that is it is basically an electronic device that you can read books, newspapers, or whatever on. By the time you buy that you can add a little extra money and have a computer. OR just go to the freaking library and get the book or magazine and read it and take it back. Seriously, that would make my kid even more lazy if she didn't have to walk or ride her bike to the library. Needless to say we talked ourselves out of it. We came up with an even better idea. As much as I didn't want to do it I got her a cell phone. Now that she is involved with all the after school programs she needs rides home and will be able to call. The good part is I had an old phone that I reactivated for her so it was really cheap. This way she can prove that she is responsible and won't lose or break the phone. If all goes well I'll upgrade her phone.

Anyway, as I promised I took a few shots of my living room... Enjoy!!!!

Oh yeah... no laughing at the tree. Steve wouldn't take me to the tree farm on his parents property. I had to choose from a bunch of Charlie Brown trees. This is the best one I could find. The kids decorated the tree. You can see how bare it is because the needles kept pricking them and they gave up. LOL.

I need to hide the cord better...

My stitchery wall is taking shape...

I hope you had fun visiting our home for Christmas.

I have some other pictures I'm going to load on my Picturetrail soon. I'll let you know when I have them up and running.


  1. Your house looks wonderful all dressed up for Christmas! That's a bummer about the tree, hurting the kids and all. :/

  2. Everything looks great!

    I love the idea of a stichery wall! They always look so nice! I'm working on a gameboard wall in the living room. I only have 2 up... but I have a collection of 5 more that I've picked up since those two went up. I really like the "collection" look on a wall.

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. Looks so warm & cozy!
    thanks for sharing!

  4. Mary, I love the corner hutch in the living room it is beautifully the way I love your Charlie Brown tree is is so cute!!

  5. I love your Charlie Brown tree! I wish I could find one like that here.

    Merry Christmas!


  6. i love the charlie brown tree... those are the best! my fav tree is from the goodwill... very straggly and sparse! :)
    I HEAR you about this kindle/ nook thing... its like NOONE knows what a library is these days! HELLO... FREE... and if they dont have the book you want... usually they try to get it for you.. STILL free!!!! (my hubby doesnt get it... he has a stinking library of his own..wasted money i say! )

  7. I love your tree !! That is the kind I always look for.

  8. i think everything looks beautiful!!
    i agree with you about the kindles.
    the tree is very cool and primitive. :)

  9. Your house looks great. You have a knack for display. Merry Christmas!

  10. It really does look wonderful. I just love the primitive look of it!!! Merry Christmas. Dianntha

  11. Your living room looks wonderful and so prim!!!!

  12. Your home is always warm & cozy. Beautiful displays. Your tree is perfect. It looks old fashioned. I bet it smells so good. Your stitchery wall will be wonderful. Stop by for a visit someday. Merry Christmas & Blessings!

  13. Your home is always warm & cozy. Beautiful displays. Your tree is perfect. It looks old fashioned. I bet it smells so good. Your stitchery wall will be wonderful. Stop by for a visit someday. Merry Christmas & Blessings!

  14. I love your tree and your displays are beautiful.

    Christmas Blessings,

  15. Yeah, those Kindles are expensive! I couldn't believe the price on them, crazy. But I guess if you are a huge book lover it would be worth it. I'm sure your daughter will LOVE her present! That's how we start our kids off with phones. If they show they are responsible, then they get to upgrade. It works out pretty well.

    I love your charlie brown tree, Mary, it looks cute! All your Christmas decor is beautiful! The stitchery wall is going to be so wonderful as you fill it. As always, love it all girl!

    Merry Christmas to you all~


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