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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My New Bed

Finally, after almost 14 years of just having a metal frame with no headboard or foot board I have a bed. If you'll remember awhile back I bought a twin black canopy bed at the thrift store. I bought it thinking we'd be able to make it into a queen bed. Well, we used parts of it as well as adding new parts. Steve and his cousin figured out how to make it into my queen bed. Remember, I showed you the quilt I'm going to make for it in my last post. So when you see this picture it is with the quilt I already had. I haven't decided how I want to decorate or what I want on the walls yet. Right now it is only a blank canvas. Oh and Steve painted the room. I know it looks blue, but it is actually gray but on the blue side. My room is now very tranquil and I LOVE being in it. I'm thinking blues and browns with red too for the color scheme. Anyway, here it is...

The picture I got from my friend Pam's Christmas sale at her house. It looks like it's embroidered, but it's just a print. I had to have it when I saw it.

I also got this tree from my sister, who got it from a girl at work. I think it is just awesome. It might actually stay up all year and get decorated for the season.

I am off today and tomorrow so I will try to get some pics of my living room for Christmas. I know I am moving so slow this year getting pictures posted. I am procrastinating terribly this year. I finally baked three types of Christmas cookies last Friday and just getting around to frosting them today. LOL. I am running laundry, balancing my checkbook, changing the bed, and running kids to appointments today too. Plus school was cancelled here do to wind chill factors of 10 below zero. It is just a bitter cold outside.

I have started thinking about New Year's resolutions already due to my procrastination issues. LOL. I have a ton of unfinished projects to finish up. I think that is what I will be doing first before I start anything new. The list just keeps getting longer and longer. I have been walking around in my basement looking at all these projects piling up. It is almost overwhelming to me. So I need to buckle down and start cleaning and finishing. I have also decided no more new fabric until I use some of what I already have. Then I found a whole bunch of patterns I bought and never made. I need to make them or get rid of them. I am not sure what else I will come up with, but I'm sure I will before the end of the year. LOL.

Well, I need to get busy and get moving. I think I heard the dryer buzz. Have a great day and stay warm if you too are in this terribly cold weather.


  1. WOW so cool great job on the bed, can't wait to see it with the quilt you are making.

  2. I love your bed! We have the same thing you did, just a metal frame for the mattresses and my dream is to have a black pencil post too. Yours turned out wonderful! Also love your tree. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Mary,
    Your new bed is gorgeous! Don't beat yourself up too bad, it's hard getting all this stuff done! I am in the same boat as you! LOL! I have LOTS of unfinished things around here, I try to finish things here and there. It's always tempting to start something new, but I am like you, I am trying to complete other things first.
    We'll get there eventually!
    Stay warm, it's cold here too!
    Have a good night.

  4. The bed is beautiful!
    Room looks great!
    enjoy the day,

  5. Mary, the bed is beautiful! I'm sure you will have your room put together in no time! Darling little tree-I'd like to find one like that.
    Stay warm and dry.
    Blessings to you,

  6. Mary...Love the bed, the new pic, and the tree...can't wait to see the room and the new quilt, but all in good seems like you got a lot going on!

  7. Mary...Love the bed, the new pic, and the tree...can't wait to see the room and the new quilt, but all in good seems like you got a lot going on!

  8. Your bed is gorgeous. I know you are so proud of it.

  9. Mary, that Steve is very talented!! the bed came out great! With his building skills and your creativeness and decorating skills, your home has been truly transformed!! It is wonderful!!

  10. Your bed turned out to DIE for!!! It's wonderful!!! Coveting!!!!! lol!

    Can't wait to see your Christmas decor!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  11. im a wee jealous... ive been wanting a bed similar to that! or atleast a pencil poster bed.... looks great! yay for pretty bedrooms!

  12. Amazing bed! I love the little tree! Blessings!

  13. The bed turned out great, and I think the quilt that's on it is pretty!


  14. YAY for you!! Congrats, I love it! I love the blues/browns and have been thinking about doing my bedroom in those colors also. Lori from Homespun Prims has a blue/brown room and it is beautiful!

    I love that picture above the bed too, it looks good in there. That's a neat tree and I think it will work great year round. I have a year round tree and enjoy playing with it throughout the different seasons.

    Haha, I was just saying today that my goal for next year is to work on all those projects I have. I hate using the word "resolution"... it's too easy for me to break then I just say forget it! So I like the word "goal". Maybe we can encourage each other and keep each other accountable. =]


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