You all know I have been buying fabric because, well, I'm a fabricaholic. I think I figured out why I love fabric so much. In college I studied fashion. Which included a lab with different types of fabric. We learned the weaves, types, and burnability of them. This was so we knew what types of fabric to use in sleepwear or other garments. HUH... who woulda thought I'd actually be using my knowledge I paid for for fun not a job. LOL. I just LOVED that class. I also took a class on how our clothes evolved over the centuries. Very interesting class too. Anyway, I thought I would share what colors I've been gathering to hopefully make some quilts or goodies for your pleasure.
These first ones were what I bought online from
Primsfolks by Judy. I don't really have blacks and greys and I just LOVED the patterns in these. These can be mixed with other colors very easily.

The next set I got at the quilt shop over the weekend. I figure the purple will blend with the black and blues I have. I bought some colors I normally wouldn't have but I just LOVE purple (which is not a prim color to me so I don't use it). I also bought orange, which the lady warned me and said, use it in small quantities in the quilt because it can be overpowering. Yet again not so prim color, but it was in the civil war repro section. Another thing she told me was that a rule of thumb for her is to buy 2 1/2 yards of fabric at a time. That way you have enough to do borders if you don't already have a plan for the fabric. I thought that was good to know. Of course I needed to some tan to add to my stash. The second one is greenish. It's hard to tell in the pic.

These are the awesome books I got. The pioneer one caught my eye first. You can combine all the patterns in one quilt or make them separate. It tells about how each pattern got it's name. Scrap quilting... who doesn't have scraps they want to use up right?

Of course I'll show you the fabric I found at the thrift store too...
The red things are eagles... LOL... very patriotic but it's a heavier fabric by Waverly. I have some great fabrics for some red white and blue items in my stash. This is 1 3/4 yards for $1.75.

LOVE this fabric. Don't know what I'm going to do with it yet... but for a $1.00 I couldn't walk away.

A week ago Steve took me to the antique store in the town where he lives and I found these for $2.50 a piece. Yes, they are cracked, yes they are dirty, but I can wash them and turn them so the cracks don't show. They were hidden with the flower pots.

We also went to the Goodwill and I found this book. I have sat down and read so much interesting stuff and it explains quilting, stitching, needlework, crocheting, knitting down to a level I can understand.

This kit was a quilt kit on the month, from Jo Annes, that was just the setting for the quilt. But for $2.00 it has precut triangles and strips that I can add to other quilts. Yellow's blues, and dark reads can be thrown in anywhere.

I bought a few other things that I forgot to take pics of. But I got a quilt pattern for a really prim quilt with stars on it. It looks like I could make it in a weekend other than quilting by hand. Hmmmm... some other things I'm going to make over, but need Steve's help. Ohhhhhh.... yeah I got one more thing I'll will show you another day. I need to work on it today. This I am so excited about. It will be functional yet awesome to display!!!!
As for my table runner project. I am at a stand still. I finished sewing on all the yo yos, but now I can't decide how I want to proceed. Uggghhh... I have an idea and it's temporarily on it so I can look at it and see if it grows on me. Today I will work on that and getting my other thrift store item ready for your viewing pleasure. LOL. Steve on the other hand needs to sand a few things and stain them. I really want to work on my bedroom and get that going. Lots of things I need to get done so I better get started and get something accomplished since I work tomorrow.