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Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Ready for Spring

I am so ready for Spring. I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to anyway. So far this year we haven't had any major snow storms like all my friends in New England. Sheesh you all must be really tired of snow. Anyway, every year about this time I get sick of being cold and having to stay inside. I long for the warmer days, hearing the birds chirp, and let's not forget the sun coming up earlier and staying up later.(sigh) I know I know I'm just torturing myself thinking about it. Because I am so ready I decided to decorate my living room for Spring. I just skipped on over winter decorating. It's too late to do that because I'd just take it down in a month anyway. So I thought all of you would like a little pick me up today.

Enjoy... just a little preview

Last but not least is my new shelf Steve built. I'm not done decorating it yet, but I thought I'd show you anyway.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. it's so refreshing to see these light sprungy pics! :) puts me in the mood! everything looks amazing as always! :)

  2. Very pretty!Spring, we all need a refresher!
    Looks wonderful!
    enjoy the day

  3. Mary, everything looks so fresh and springy. I love it all. Your samplers are "springing" up all over and they look wonderful. Steve did another great job for you, wow, that guy sure has talent. I love my corner candle keep and the color is just what I've been looking for. Thank you so much again. Enjoy your weekend and stay warm.
    hugs ~

  4. I love your spring decorating, especially your new shelf. I can't wait either this year. I went by hobby lobby yesterday and picked up some flowering branches. At least spring will be inside. Vicky

  5. If the sun would just shine----I agree, spring can't come soon enough. Love your decor. Have a great weekend. Julie

  6. What a refreshing sight, the brighter colors, make you feel lighter inside!!:0) I am lovin the shelf Steve built you, and I think it looks great decorated the way it is!!! I am hoping spring comes early this year!! Have a great Friday my friend!!~hugs~

  7. Loving your spring touches.. Simple *Light & Airy. Beautiful room Mary!
    Thanks for the spring perk-me-up!

  8. Mary, everything looks so light and fresh! A great spring preview. I love it all!


  9. Love all the pictures you posted..I'm with you I'm so tired of the snow & the cold,I'm in New England and we have had 5 storms just in the month of January and sooo ready for Spring!!!!!Everything looks beautiful & fresh..Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us..Hugs Maria

  10. Hi doesn't take much to push me over to Spring mode and I think you have done it. I need to get out a few spring greens too.

  11. Ohhhh. I am so with you...please let spring come early!!! I will enjoy your decorations because I am too tired to decorate my own home. Blessings, Dianntha

  12. You definately perked me up with your beautiful photos and gave me the intiative to start some Spring decorating myself:) Living up here in Nova Scotia we have certainly had our share of snow and ice...It is time for Spring!!!

  13. I think you single handedly set the spring fever in motion for me..LOL..Love the look of your room..Also loving the egg garland and the shelf Steve made..He is one handy guy and you are one lucky girl..Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us with your Spring Preview..As for snow we have had over 79 inches here in Western Pa...UGH..

  14. I am loving the yellow ware and spring touches Mary. I may even decorate for spring early this year myself!

    Stop by my blog for my free offer!! HUGS!!

  15. Hi, I am so sick of winter, I'm with you! and by the way... Please stop by me and enter my giveaway to win a Taste of Home magazine subscription. I will draw on Feb 1st.

  16. Thanks for the look around your wonderfully prim homestead. I really enjoyed my visit! I hope you have a great weekend~

  17. Everything looks great....I am so ready for spring too!!!

  18. Love your displays!! I'm getting spring fever and we are supposed to be getting an ICE storm the next couple of day!!

    I thought that gourd garland was eggs-- which gave me the idea to get some of those plastic eggs (not the ones that you put candy in) at the craft store and make a spring garland.....hmmmmmmmm


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